Tag Archives: War Photography

Photo Restoration – Restoring Vietnam War History

Sometimes photo restoration can be just as rewarding as creating a new photo.  Mike is a client who brought in an incredible photo that was damaged, creased and tattered to see if we could fix it.  You can see the results below and after learning that this was what Mike called home while serving our country in Vietnam we can only imagine what this photo means to him.  Actually I’m sure that most of us cannot imagine it, but you can feel that you are looking at an important piece of history – personal and national – when you see it.  To be able to restore this image to such a pristine state is a very rewarding thing and Mike was gracious enough to allow us to share it on our blog.  The next time you get annoyed about your living conditions – you wish your kitchen was a little bigger or you can’t stand the draft along the floor in your bedroom, think about what the soldier deals with while he/she is out there defending our country.

Vietnam photo - before photo restoration

Before restoration













Vietnam photo - after photo restoration

After restoration



We asked Mike a couple of questions about the photo and here is what he had to say:

Frameable Faces:  So Mike, tell us what is in this photo?

Mike:  This is a picture of what I called home for some time when I was serving in Vietnam.  I prefer not to talk too much about my time over there, but the photo definitely means a lot to me.

Frameable Faces:  Can you tell us more about the photo?  Did you take the photo yourself and did you have it developed once you returned home?

Mike:  I took the photo myself with a throwaway camera.  I wasn’t going to take an expensive camera over there and my mom actually sent over a disposable camera for me to use.  I had to just keep the camera on me since there was obviously nowhere to get it developed where I was.  I brought it back to the U.S. when I returned in 1967 and that’s when I got it developed.

Frameable Faces:  Well we are glad we were able to restore it for you and we hope you are happy with the way it turned out.  Thank you so much for sharing and for your service!

Mike:  You are welcome and I couldn’t be happier – this photo deserved to be restored and I’m putting it in a frame so I can display it properly.  You guys did a perfect job on this!

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
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