Tag Archives: Orchard Mall

Attention Small Business Owners – 10 things you should know

I just read a fantastic blog post that I wanted to share. http://virtualphotographystudio.com/photographyblog/2010/05/running-a-photography-business/comment-page-1/#comment-11993 It is entitled “10 Things You Should Know About Running A Photography Business”, but you could easily remove the word “Photography” as most of these are universal and wherever the topic is specifically photography related you could easily insert products or services from your own trade.

For us this was mostly reinforcement that we are approaching our business the right way but we still have two weaknesses on this list and we’ll be the first to admit them:

Number 3 – we need to hand off some of this bookkeeping – NOW.  I’m good at tracking many aspects of our business but I’m not exactly an expert bookkeeper and some of this stuff bogs me down.  When I read this point it kind of smacked me in the face….

Number 6 – actually more of a strength for us overall (so maybe I lied).  We do this well – we are specialists and not generalists (love that way of putting it by the way).  We do NOT specialize in event photography.  We will not photograph huge events.  Or even pretty big events.  We will photograph certain smaller events and we are selective about which ones will fit for us and our clients.  We are fortunate to have the talents of miss Angela Bell as well for some of our informal events such as engagement parties that require more casual images – she is our second photographer and she does a great job on those.  As a rule however, we specialize in portrait photography – all kinds.  Yes it’s a broad category but it’s one category we enjoy the most and it’s where we rock.  I listed this one because we need reminding – as do all business owners – to resist the temptation to accept a one-off job that isn’t really what you do best and isn’t what you want to be known for.  We’ve done this before and we’ve learned that we should not be doing it or we should at least think it all the way through first.

Hope this helps and we would like you to add any advice for us and for each other if there is something you don’t see on this list.  Please comment and join the discussion!

– Doug

Senior Highlights From The Classes of 2011 and 2012!

We love photographing high school seniors here at Frameable Faces!  As we prepare to start photographing our new crew of spokesmodels for the class of 2013 we have been reflecting on the fantastic class of 2012 and how great of a class it was.  Having gone to high school together (go North Farmington Raiders!) we still talk about high school a lot and we keep a couple of our yearbooks here at the studio.  The current seniors get a kick out of them.  They are vintage 80’s yearbooks – big hair, skinny ties and the like.  It’s fun comparing the changing styles and that leads to conversations about changing trends in senior pictures.

Do a search on Wikipedia for Senior Portraits and the article will tell you that senior portraits date back at least to the 1920’s, but today’s senior pictures aren’t your grandparents’ or even your parents’ senior photos…  today they are way more awesome!  North Farmington High School’s yearbooks for example didn’t even have color senior headshots in the yearbooks before 1988 and “back then” seniors weren’t typically going on location for part of a three hour shoot.  So as we look forward to getting started with the class of 2013 we take a brief look back at a few of our favorite images from the classes of ’11 and ’12….

Senior Highlights…

Senior HighlightsSenior HighlightsSenior HighlightsSenior HighlightsSenior HighlightsSenior HighlightsSenior HighlightsSenior Highlights





Boy meets girl…..

Boy courts girl through high school, college and several moves throughout thecountry. And then he enters a contest to win an incredibly beautifulengagement ring from Tapper’s Jewelry Store.

E and M have quite an amazing love story. It started back in high school (to know me is to know that I’m a sucker for couples that meet in highschool. These two actually DATED in high school. So cute!). You can read the whole story here.

Well…when we found out that E won the ring, we were asked how late we were going to be at the studio that evening. When we asked why and were given the answer, we JUMPED at the opportunity to photograph an engagement.

At 7:30, Tracie from Tapper’s came down to get us. We all but ran down the hallway (with our super excited 12 year old and 10 year olds in tow – they were almost as excited as we were!).

We walked into Tapper’s and waited while E and M were “interviewed” one last time. It was really a diversion tactic that E set up so that his whole family, M’s whole family and we could get down to the store to be able to photograph the question being popped.

Frameable Faces Engagement Photography

Down on one knee. M sees her ring for the first time.

Frameable Faces Photography, Engagement Photography, Tappers Jewelry

M realizes what is going on!

Frambeable Faces Photography, Tappers Jewelry


Frameable Faces Photography, Tappers Jewelry

The first kiss as fiancés.

When the door opened, and E and M came out, M saw every one around. E got down on one knee with an opened ringbox, and asked M to marry him.

I was teary, my daughter was teary, both moms were teary, E was teary….you get the picture! And ya know what? SO DID I!!!

This was such an incredible event to be a part of! There’s nothing like the beginning of something absolutely beautiful. Family, love and diamonds…. Does it get any better than that???

Frameable Faces Photography, Tappers Jewelry

In front of the winning video that E submitted to win the ring.

Many congratulations to you, E and M! We hope that you’re as happy for the rest of your lives as you are now! Thank you for letting us help you capture this amazing milestone in your lives!


We have been in our studio space here in the Orchard Mall for about three years now and we really are living our dream. It hasn’t always been easy building a young business but it’s been a labor of love for sure, and today on the day after Thanksgiving was one of those days when you just realize how thankful you are.

We are humbled by the opportunity to be a part of the lives of our people who we lovingly refer to as the “frameables”. We had so many people come by the studio to visit us over the last couple days – especially our high school seniors – some who are still in high school and just had a couple days off and some who are home visiting from college. They all make us smile!

When new parents bring babies to the studio to photograph and back to visit and photograph as they grow up, when a wonderful 90 year old lady brings a 90 year old photo in to restore and tells us stories, when families come together from out of town and gather in our studio to allow us to be a part of that reunion and document it for posterity, when a dog owner brings in their best friend for a session, these are the moments that have given us so much.

We are thankful for you. All of you. Thank you so much.

Ally and Doug

Meditations on Buying Local…

BUY LOCAL – you hear this everywhere right? Save our local economy! It’s pervasive. There are facebook and LinkedIn groups devoted to the idea, politicians throw the issue around to try to make each other look better than the opponent knowing that it’s an emotional hot button for their constituents, businesses remind you at every turn almost as a sales pitch to get you to come in and buy something in their store. You start to become numb to it.

Listen – it’s certainly an important issue to us being a local business ourselves but I like to buying localkeep these posts a bit lighter and more fun. I don’t want to be a downer and I certainly don’t want to get on a soap box to beat you over the head again to shop local….. (hmmmm wait Doug – this isn’t a typical light fun Frameable Faces blog post – seems you already went there). Sorry. Big exhale….. Okay – I’m just gonna go with it then. But I’m going to try to make it as painless as possible.

The 3/50 Project – Pick 3 and Shop Local

The fact is there were three different things that put this in my head this week in particular which is why I’m thinking about it and felt the need to blog about it. The first thing happened at our last Orchard Mall tenants meeting. One of our fellow tenants alerted all of us to a project and website called The 3/50 Project whose mission is to strengthen independent brick and mortar businesses. What I like about this is that it appears to be a very sensible and practical call to action. The “3/50” part refers to the suggestion that everyone pick out 3 local businesses they would miss if they closed and commit to spending $50 per month collectively at those businesses. The studies suggest that for every 100 dollars spent at a local business 68 of them return to the community. For every 100 spent at a national chain only 43 stays here, and for every 100 spent online none of it stays here. Makes you think.

Don’t Forget Your Favorites

The second thing happened in Birmingham the other day while we were there photographing a senior. We drove past the Varsity Shop which is a sporting goods store that has been there since I was a kid. It is a small corner store that certainly would seem to be a relic from a bygone era when you compare it to stores like Dick’s and The Sports Authority not to mention Target, Meijer, Wal-Mart and all the other big box stores who sell sporting goods. I don’t know the people at the Varsity Shop and I haven’t been in there forever. I don’t know what they specialize in and I have no stake in spotlighting them, but my point is when I pondered how they’ve managed to stay in business when so many others couldn’t it dawned on me – they certainly didn’t do it because I shop there. I felt a pang of guilt – I have good memories of that place and they deserve better from me. Now to totally beat myself up over this isn’t fair because I do buy local – a lot. And with online commerce and the economies of scale that a Target or a Costco brings to the table I’d be nuts to not make sure I looked for the best deals from time to time as we try to support our family with a still-young business in this wonderful economy of ours. Indeed, the 3/50 Project doesn’t suggest you stop buying from chains, they just suggest that you make sure your healthy balance includes a helping of local merchants. I personally think I can do better and I’m going to buy something from the Varsity Shop when I get a chance. Meanwhile the Orchard Mall is filled with many local merchants. We’ve got a Panera here sure (love their breakfast power sandwich – hold the ham, extra egg), but we’ve also got a couple local eateries, a very cool local toy store, a couple boutiques, a linen store, clothing stores, a bridal couture, a dance studio, a locally based supermarket chain, a jeweler, a gift shop, a few spa/salons – all local. Most of the businesses here are local and not many malls can say that.

Seek Out Local Vendors and Partners

The third thing that happened was we received a nice thank you gift from a Michigan based company we order our albums from called Finao (the link is to their blog and much of it is targeted at their clients who are professional photography studios like us – lots of shop talk). This made us feel great and appreciated – this company really gets it. A very inspiring move on their part. It makes us happy to do business with such a great company and it gives us even greater comfort that they are based in Michigan and everything they produce is made from stuff made in the USA. This is not by accident – we have always made a point of using local vendors for the business wherever possible and most of our vendors – our framer, our printer, our canvas folks and many others are based in Michigan.

So, I suppose if I had to give myself a grade with an “A” representing a full commitment to spending as many of my dollars as possible with local businesses (within reason), and being conscious of it whenever I make my choices of what to purchase, I would probably give myself a “B”. I can do better. What about you?

Frameable Food at Zoe’s House of Pancakes!

Anyone who has spent considerable time here at Frameable Faces Photography knows that we are total foodies and it’s not uncommon for there to be food in the studio – lots of food.  So when we had the opportunity to photograph the new menu items at Zoe’s House Of Pancakes here at The Orchard Mall we salivated at the opportunity (pun intended). What a morning that was – photographing and feasting for hours until we couldn’t move. Flash forward a few months and the new menu is official with our images gracing the cover and the back! As for the food, I truly believe Zoe’s has elevated their game significantly with the new items. Zoe’s has always been a very good breakfast joint with a really good whole wheat pancake option, some yummy specialty items like pumpkin pancakes, the chicken pomodoro omelete and they’ve always had good lunch too. However in my opinion they have become the premier breakfast option on the block with the new items they have added and the line out the door on the weekends proves it.

My favorite is the Chilaquiles – tortillas, chicken, and salsa verde on top of hash browns and cheese with scrambled eggs on top – soooo good. The Huevos Rancheros is great too – love the latin flavor choices!

Zoe's House Of Pancakes

Huevos Rancheros

As for the pancakes – Red Velvet Pancakes!!!

Frameable Faces Photography, Food, Zoe's House Of Pancakes, Photography

Red Velvet Pancakes

Yes the red velvet pancakes are quite delectable and I’ve never seen these anywhere before. The carrot cake pancakes are unique too, and the very berry cream cheese stuffed french toast is out of this world.

West Bloomfield Photographer

Very Berry Stuffed French Toast

Yes we’ve tried all of these already – all in one morning actually…. (oy).  The conclusion: Eat at Zoe’s – and then walk down the hall and say hello after you do!