Tag Archives: Frankel Jewish Academy

Adin (and Detroit) Versus Everybody On An Awesome Senior Session!

Adin is a great dude and he has totally fit right in – we love hanging with this guy and we have been honored to have him representing our studio for the class of 2020 from Frankel Jewish Academy!  When we photographed him for his spokesmodel session back in May he was solo, but this time for our trip to Detroit he had his mom Nancy join us and she’s a lot of fun!  “Detroit Versus Everybody” is symbolic of how Detroit came back after many assumed the city was all but dead and now it’s thriving!  We celebrate that when seniors say they want to head downtown for photos and we had a great day down there with Adin and Nancy so let’s get to some highlights!

Adin Versus Everybody!

We headed first to Belle Isle where we got one of the Detroit skyline poses that we love…

Versus Everybody

So cool!

We spent quite a bit of time on Belle Isle where there is much to see, including one of our favorite bridges:

Versus Everybody

What a pic – Adin looks GREAT.

We also headed to a cool bridge that we’ve used a few times and we have some behind the scenes action – first on Facebook:

…and the result:

Versus Everybody

We hit a couple more spots as well including this one along the Riverwalk – here’s some more behind the scenes this time from Instagram:

From there we headed over to the Belt alley to get a couple more to wrap it up and here’s a cool one with a mural as a backdrop:

Versus Everybody

Love it!

What a cool day – Adin versus everybody ladies and gentlemen!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day with him!

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Social Media Services: http://M10Social.com
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

It’s Time For The Class of 2020 Spokesmodel Panorama…..RAMA!!!

YES it’s time for the Class of 2020 Spokesmodel Panorama…..RAMA!!!  This is our third annual post like this, and while these are NOT professional photos, they are a fun behind the scenes way of representing what we’ve been up to with our new crew over the last few months in panoramic style!  I took these (Doug – not Ally) with my iPhone XR and we love to stack ’em up and give them their own blog post!  Now that we’ve completed all of our 10 spokesmodel sessions we can start rolling these things out – so fun!  And what a great crew we have this year….

2020 Spokesmodel Panorama

Yes we went to some of the usual spots including studio sessions early when the weather was still freezing, but we also went to a few new ones including a couple locations in Ann Arbor and we also have spokesmodels from Clarkston High School and Ann Arbor Skyline this year!  A first for us!  So in no particular order, here is your class of 2020 panorama…..RAMA!!!

2020 Spokesmodel Panorama


2020 Spokesmodel Panorama


2020 Spokesmodel Panorama


2020 Spokesmodel Panorama


2020 Spokesmodel Panorama


2020 Spokesmodel Panorama


2020 Spokesmodel Panorama


2020 Spokesmodel Panorama


2020 Spokesmodel Panorama


2020 Spokesmodel Panorama


And there it is!!!  The class of 2020 is HERE and we are so excited!  We hope you enjoyed the panorama…..RAMA!!!

BECOME A PATRON!  Subscribe at our Patreon page for tips, tutorials, podcasts and even individual coaching on your photography or social media!  
Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel: 248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Social Media Services: http://M10Social.com
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

Paige Turns The Page to Boulder But Not Before Some Senior Pictures!

Paige is turning the page – from high school to college out in Boulder as a Colorado Buffalo and what’s crazy about that is that makes TWO of our spokesmodels for the class of 2019 who are attending Colorado in the fall, as Kaitlyn is as well!  Hmmm…. Ally and I may have to include Boulder on a new Frameable Faces campus tour to visit these awesome young ladies!  Ha!  But I digress…. 

The point here is that we’ve loved our time with Paige and her mom Maxine – we had a great spokesmodel session a year ago now, and we picked up right where we left off this time around.

Paige Turns The Page

We started on location at Quarton Lake in the morning while the sun was low although we had a little cloud cover which can always work to your advantage as well:

Paige Turns


This was a hard session to narrow down the results from – it was pretty perfect…  we did have some fun with the behind the scenes as usual – first with Facebook Live:

And here’s a couple more from outside…

Paige Turns

Pretty Paige In Pink!

And one more just flat-out gorgeous photo…

Paige Turns

At this time we headed back to the studio to close it out with a few on the white background and we have a little more fun behind the scenes this time from Instagram:

And one of the results:

Paige Turns

Paige looks confident, in control and well – ready to turn the page!!!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of our session with her!

BECOME A PATRON!  Subscribe at our Patreon page for tips, tutorials, podcasts and even individual coaching on your photography or social media!  
Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Social Media Services: http://M10Social.com
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!


Taking Aim At Adin for a Class of 2020 Senior Spokesmodel Session!

Adin is a really good kid – we enjoyed hanging with him a lot on our spokesmodel session for him as he represents the class of 2020 for Frameable Faces at Frankel Jewish Academy!  Easygoing, personable and really smart, we are really happy to have him on our crew!  We photographed him in the studio as well as on location which is pretty typical for our seniors and we have a few highlights for you, so let’s get to ’em!

Taking Aim At Adin

We started off in the studio with a somewhat dressy look on the black background and these came out quite nicely:
Good lookin’ dude!
We also have some behind the scenes fun first from the studio from the Instagram livestream we did:

At this point we headed outside to get some location photos… first on the steps:
And we have more behind the scenes from that set up on Facebook Live – take a look!

And we’ll leave you with a couple more outdoor photos of our guy!
You just know a genuine smile when you see one – this kid has it and we also like that pop of color in the background!
And one more…
Love that wood background – textures are a lot of fun to work with!
So there you have it!  We took aim at Adin indeed and we’re looking forward to his return for his senior session along with the rest of the class of 2020 which is starting SOON!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day with him!
BECOME A PATRON!  Subscribe at our Patreon page for tips, tutorials, podcasts and even individual coaching on your photography or social media!  
Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Social Media Services: http://M10Social.com
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

Chase Charmed Us On A Chilly Day For Senior Pictures – A Real Champ!

Chase charmed us alright – we really like this guy.  Just a nice dude and really personable, and we have to give him credit because his day for his senior session was a cold one – it ain’t easy being outside with no coat and smiling through it for photos!  Chase’s mom Courtney came along and eventually the entire extended fam showed up for a few family portraits on location while we were at it!  This blog post however is about our guy Chase so let’s get to the highlights from Birmingham!

Chase Charmed

We set up at Quarton Lake which is where we got all of our images and Chase had a few outfits ready to roll.  The man has style.  He started out in a suit:

Chase Charmed

Chase is the man.

Here we have some behind the scenes fun from the day from Facebook Live!

Quick outfit change and we bounced over to the dock for this relaxed pose…

Chase Charmed

Next we went with a half length and made sure to have that belt buckle in the shot!!! 

Chase Charmed

We have more behind the scenes fun this time from the Instagram replay:

And we’ll leave you with this closeup – Chase still getting it done – like a champ!

Chase Charmed

And there you have it!  Chase charmed us indeed and we hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day!

BECOME A PATRON!  Subscribe at our Patreon page for tips, tutorials, podcasts and even individual coaching on your photography or social media!  
Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Social Media Services: http://M10Social.com
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!




Paul’s Pics Are A Paragon Of Senior Session Perfection!

A Paragon is defined as a “model of excellence or perfection” and so it seems fitting – Paul the paragon!  Paul is a good guy and he’s a buddy of our Tony so we’ve known him for a while.  He’s a pretty chill young man and nice to be around so we were looking forward to his session.  We planned it out with Paul and his mom Renee but we had Paul solo for the session itself which we started in the studio and that is where we’ll start here:


Looking good!

We also have some fun behind the scenes action first from Instagram:

At this point we headed outside to get some location photos and we had great conditions and lighting even if it was a little chilly:

ParagonWe have more highlights as well behind the scenes this time from Facebook Live:

We moved around to a couple more spots like this one on the park bench:


Just chillin’!  And we’ll leave you with this last closeup:


A paragon of senior session perfection indeed!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day with Paul!

BECOME A PATRON!  Subscribe at our Patreon page for tips, tutorials, podcasts and even individual coaching on your photography or social media!  
Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

Olivia’s Epic Detroit Senior Session Makes Us Want To Shout OliviYEAH!

Olivia’s senior session was indeed a special one – an epic day in the D – so much so it makes us want to shout OliviYEAH!!!!!  We had a blast with her and her mom Amy.  We’ve actually known them for years and so these sessions can get very surreal when we’ve known our senior for so long – in this case with a senior Ally actually photographed when Olivia was only 18 months old!  We covered a lot of ground and we hope you enjoy these highlights!  They’re pretty dope (right Olivia?).


We started off in the studio for a few photos before heading downtown and we did a little of our “black and blowy” – the black backdrop with the fan blowing on Olivia’s hair:

OliviYEAHQuite awesome with the heightened dramatic look of the black and white!  Timeless…

At this point we headed downtown for some adventure – and we lucked out because the forecast hadn’t been looking so great for our day as recent as 24-48 hours prior.  But we ended up with a fab day…  First stop, Belle Isle


Love that photo at the fountain!!!  Olivia looks adorable and we have some fun behind the scenes as well, first with the raw footage from the Instagram Live replay:

Next we headed over to the Belt alleyway downtown for a few photos including this one:


Just love it!!!  And here’s a little more behind the scenes fun this time from Facebook Live:

We made a few more stops around town including Eastern Market where we got this awesome close up of Olivia just being Olivia with a big beautiful smile!



And there you have it!  Actually since this session was so epic we had to include the Snapchat story which has a few fun moments – enjoy!

We hope you liked these highlights and now you see why they have us saying “OliviYEAH”!!!!

BECOME A PATRON!  Subscribe at our Patreon page for tips, tutorials, podcasts and even individual coaching on your photography or social media!  
Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

A Classic Frameable Family and a Mother’s Day Surprise!

The Stones are legends here – a classic Frameable family!  For starters Cheyenne and Sierra were both seniors here, with a stunning plexiglass of Cheyenne still hanging in the studio and Sierra having represented us as a spokesmodel for the class of 2013 (she’s the first one in this post from back then).  Through working with them we’ve become friends and while Cheyenne and Sierra have graduated college and moved to different states we’ve remained close with their parents Beth and Sheldon back here in Michigan.  So this year we conspired with the girls along with Sheldon to have them both fly home and surprise Beth for a family session for Mother’s Day here at the studio!  It was kind of funny because we had been out with Beth and Sheldon the week before and Sierra called while we were with them and everyone was saying “one of these days” they’ll have to get in to do a family session.  Beth had no clue – it was awesome….

A Mother’s Day Surprise

We were so excited – plus we miss the girls – we love them!  They came to the studio with Wrigley the pup they rescued here at the mall from one of the Detroit Dog Rescue events we have from time to time.  What a blast we had!  Let’s take a look at a few highlights:

Classic Frameable Family

They’re awesome.

We also have plenty of fun behind the scenes action – first with the livestream replay from Facebook Live:

A Classic Frameable Family

Once we got a few of those photos finished we started to switch it up a little – all the different combos – and we love the ones with Beth and the girls and Sheldon with the girls:

Classic Frameable Family

BEAUTIES!!!  #Swoon

And how fun is this one of Sheldon with the daddy’s girls…

Classic Frameable Family

Love it.

We also have the Snapchat story from the session for you from our YouTube channel which is a lot of fun!

We’ll leave you with this a-MAIZE-ing family portrait….

Classic Frameable Family


And there you have it – a classic Frameable family indeed and such a fun time for us to be with them again!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of their session!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:

BECOME A PATRON!  Subscribe at our Patreon page for tips, tutorials, podcasts and even individual coaching on your photography or social media!  
Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

It’s Time For The Class of 2019 Spokesmodel Panorama…..RAMA!!!

Here we go with the Class of 2019 Spokesmodel Panorama…..RAMA!!!  We did this last year and this is just our fun way of stacking these behind the scenes iPhone panoramic photos that Doug took during our spokesmodel sessions.  There’s something cool about the way the scope of a panoramic photo can capture and distort a scene in a weird and wonderful way!  These are not “professional” photos by any stretch and are not meant to be taken too seriously, but they are a fun way to recap our last few months with our Class of 2019 crew as we head into senior season!

2019 Spokesmodel Panorama

This year’s sessions took us to the usual haunts as well as a new one or two… burned out buildings, majestic theaters, trails and parks, and of course the Frameable Faces studio!  We have such an outstanding team representing us this year for the class of 2019 and so in no particular order, here is your panorama…..RAMA!

the class of 2019 spokesmodel panorama rama!

2019 Spokesmodel Panorama


2019 Spokesmodel Panorama


2019 Spokesmodel Panorama


2019 Spokesmodel Panorama


2019 Spokesmodel Panorama


2019 Spokesmodel Panorama


2019 Spokesmodel Panorama


2019 Spokesmodel Panorama


2019 Spokesmodel Panorama


2019 Spokesmodel Panorama


Whooo hooo!!!  Another fun Panorama…..RAMA!  We hope you enjoyed these!

BECOME A PATRON!  Subscribe at our Patreon page for tips, tutorials, podcasts and even individual coaching on your photography or social media!  
Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

A Super Springtime Senior Session Junket With Joshua!

We love springtime seniors!  The majority of seniors take their pictures with us throughout the summer and fall but we always get a handful after the winter is over, and when the trees are just starting to bloom it makes for some great scenery!  With Joshua we had good weather too and his mom Gail joined us for some fantastic photos on this senior session junket with Joshua!

First an experiment in the Studio…

Before we share the location shots we actually started in the studio, and Ally has been playing with her lighting, so with our big soft box on the other side of the studio she positioned Joshua in front of it for a high key white background instead of our usual white vinyl backdrop and we got this result – pretty cool!

Senior Session Junket

Here’s a little behind the scenes snippet from this experiment from Facebook Live – check it out!

Now let’s catch up with our location day…

Springtime Senior Session Junket

We stayed in and around West Bloomfield where there are plenty of awesome spots like this one that we call “the slab”.Senior Session Junket

Just chillin’

The other thing that’s cool about Spring seniors is they usually know exactly where they’re going in the Fall.  Sometimes they do in the previous Fall but sometimes they don’t yet…  For Joshua he’s going BLUE and wearing Maize!

Senior Session Junket

For the last photo Joshua put on a pink shirt which always makes Ally happy – Ally loves the guys in pink and we have more behind the scenes fun here on the Intagram Live replay from our YouTube channel:

And here is the result!

Senior Session Junket

Good looking dude!

And there you have it – our senior session junket with Josh!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day with him!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:

BECOME A PATRON!  Subscribe at our Patreon page for tips, tutorials, podcasts and even individual coaching on your photography or social media!  
Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!