Tag Archives: frameable faces

The Frameable Faces Blog “Quest for Guests”!

The Frameable Faces "Quest For Guests"!


One of the themes we’ve tried to instill in our studio is that of community.  We see Frameable Faces not just as the studio you can visit at the Orchard Mall, but as all of us – especially our clients who really are the Frameable Faces (or #Frameables as we like to tweet them).  As our blog evolves and grows we thought it would be a splendid idea to get more of you involved and so the “Quest for Guests” idea was born!  We would like to open this up just to Frameables (our clients) for starters and see where it goes, but the idea is to have someone write a guest post for our blog.  There are a couple of basic parameters involved:

1.  The article does not have to be about Frameable Faces nor does it need to be photography related – it can be but it doesn’t have to be.

2.  The article should provide some value whether it’s informative, or simply entertaining.  We prefer not to go overly heavy or serious.  If you have your own blog or business we definitely want to highlight that!  But here’s the key – don’t make the post a commercial or sales pitch for your business.  Write an article that will help people – demonstrate your expertise with some helpful tips.  If you have a blog of your own which is simply your outlet for your thoughts then give us a couple of your thoughts or even a good story.  If you are a fan of our blog, don’t have a business of your own or a blog but feel you have something to add to the conversation feel free to do that too!

3.  The article should ideally be 500-800 words and include at least one related image (if you are struggling with the image part let us know and we can help you).  Also include a short 2-3 sentence bio, a bio image (125×125 pixels is a good guide but we can help you with that too), a good title for your post, and links you want us to include (website, fb, twitter etc.).

4.  Send your article in an email to doug@frameablefaces.com.  We’ll scan it for typos etc. and let you know if there are any minor changes before we post it.  Keep in mind that dependent on the number of posts we receive and/or the subject matter we can’t guarantee that your post will be published.  We hope you understand.

We are excited to see where this goes and we hope the Frameables will get to know each other a little better!  We hope you will enjoy reading a guest post and that you will comment and join in!


Peace, Love, Spokesmodels, and Frameable Faces!

We had our second annual high school senior spokesmodel party yesterday for the Frameable Faces class of 2013 and it was a blast!  Our group of 11 had been looking forward to this for a while and to finally see all the spokesmodels in the studio together wearing Frameable Faces t-shirts and having fun is one of the real highlights of the year for us.  Each year we try to take it up one more notch and we definitely did this year…

When the spokesmodels arrived yesterday all of their t-shirts were laid out on a table with their spokesmodel cards which they can pass out to their friends.

Senior Spokesmodels, Metro Detroit Photographer, Frameable Faces Photography

Frameable Faces t-shirts!

Once everyone arrived and introduced themselves to each other they started exchanging cards and I think some sort of card game broke out…  hilarious!

Next was a special presentation – this year we added the spokesmodel video which includes video clips and images from each of the sessions – take a look!

Frameable Faces Spokesmodels Class of 2013!

After raucous applause we got down to the business of taking pictures for this year’s composite photo which will be revealed soon so stay tuned!  We can’t wait to see the results of this – in the meantime here is last year’s from the class of 2012 which adorns one of our studio windows as a huge mural!

class of 2013 spokesmodels

We were about to eat dinner next but everyone decided that they had to first put on our tutus for some bonus fun – what is it with seniors and tutus?  Meanwhile one of our spokesmodels (Kyle) had to leave early leaving Donovan as the only boy – I don’t think he minded and things got pretty funny as you can see by clicking the link below…  at this point Samantha hadn’t arrived yet so this is everyone minus Kyle and Samantha….

Spokesmodel Silliness!

At that point we ate some pasta and salad for dinner, and then we finished off the night with the piéce de résistance – the Just Baked cupcake tower with a Frameable Faces cake on top!!!  The Chubby Hubby, Red Velvet, and Grumpy Cake cupcakes were the first to go….  YUM!!!!

Just Baked

All in all it was a great night and we are so happy to have these amazing young people representing our studio!  As someone said during the party, “Peace Love and Frameable Faces”!!!!

The E Family Session

A few weeks ago, we had the E family in the studio.  They were such a blast to work with!  J and Ally had been friends since high school, but had fallen out of touch until recently.  We had such a nice time working with her, her husband M and their sweet kids!  So much personality in the studio!!!  The sounds of laughter were echoing throughout the mall.  Those are the kinds of sessions we love!


Child Photography, West Bloomfield PhotographerFamily Photography, Frameable Faces Photography, Metro Detroit PhotographerFamily Portrait, Frameable Faces Photography, West Bloomfield PhotographerFamily Portrait, Frameable Faces Photography, West Bloomfield Photographer

The B Family – B for beautiful that is…!

Ya know how there’s that one family that you’re always so excited to see when they stop by your studio (or workplace)?  The one with the adorable little kid who’s all personality that you just want to squeeze and talk to all day?  The people who you just click with – you can just sit and talk to them while you’re working so that your work doesn’t even seem like work?

THAT family came into the studio a few weeks ago.  You may recognize little MIss E from our studio walls.  She made Ally fall in love with her because of her super sweet personality that just shines through in every single photograph.  So when her parents came by several months ago and wanted to book a session, we were over the moon excited to work with them!

There was a ton of laughing and so many big personalities at Frameable Faces that day!  Not sure how you didn’t hear all of the noise, jokes and wit from where you were, but we can assure you….it was there!!!
Child Photography, West Bloomfield PhotographerWest Bloomfield Photographer, Frameable Faces PhotographyFamily Photography, Frameable Faces Photography, Metro Detroit PhotographerFamily Portrait, Frameable Faces Photography, West Bloomfield PhotographerWatch out for the B family!!!  They’re definitely going places!  We expect big things from these guys!

Frameable Pups!

Let’s “paws” for this blog post as we celebrate a few of our frameable pups!  Pet photography is lots of fun and while dogs are not allowed in the Orchard Mall as a rule we have an exemption for our canine frameables who come to our studio for their close up.  Yes sometimes Frameable Faces Photography goes to the dogs.  Ally has been known to be a bit of a dog whisperer – she has a pretty good rapport with these furry friends and we thought we’d share a few images of Buster, Jasmine, Chuck and Maggie…   enjoy!

Frameable PupsFrameable PupsFrameable PupsFrameable Pups

Hail to….. wait – which?

I couldn’t resist this one…. One more little “buy local” rant and then I’ll (try to) leave it alone for a while.

Small Business, Buy Local

Hail to the Victors Spartan Tee...

As a follow up to my “Meditations on Buying Local” post, this shirt appeared on this link at Rivals.com….

I’m sure many of you saw this already since a lot of people got a kick out of it and posted it on facebook especially here in Michigan where we are based. For those of you who aren’t in Michigan and may not know, Michigan State University’s team name is the Spartans and their colors are green and white, but the University Of Michigan Wolverines’ fight song contains the opening line “Hail to the Victors” and their colors are maize and blue. Needless to say this was a pretty bad mistake to mix them up and put them on the same t-shirt. I hate to sound like a broken record but putting your loyalties aside for a second and your urge to talk some smack if you’re a Wolverine or a Spartan, what this really is is a commercial for buying LOCAL. Do you think a local Michigan based t-shirt company would make a mistake as ridiculous as this? No way. Why would you want your school’s logo hijacked by some national corporate brand like this that doesn’t have a clue about it?

Now granted college athletics is huge business and national brands Adidas and Nike are the official outfitters of the sports teams at the two schools so you can’t really avoid buying the apparel from a national company. That’s the way it is. But I think the point here is there are local independent retailers you can support that sell licensed t-shirts with your alma mater on them who would never make a mistake like this. Local merchants have a feel for the local community and have a vested interest in it. National chains….not as much as evidenced by this shirt. Maybe that is a generalization that isn’t 100% fair, but c’mon. This actually made it to their website. Not one person at Pink cared enough or bothered to check on this? A business sports reporter actually pointed it out to Victoria’s Secret which is what prompted them to pull it off the site. Once again our message is not to boycott national chain stores, but rather in a case like this let Pink stick to what they do best and when you are considering buying some gear for your local team consider a local option first. If Pink bothered to get the shirt right and you could buy Pink products from local merchants then I guess it would be different, but they didn’t and you can’t.


We have been in our studio space here in the Orchard Mall for about three years now and we really are living our dream. It hasn’t always been easy building a young business but it’s been a labor of love for sure, and today on the day after Thanksgiving was one of those days when you just realize how thankful you are.

We are humbled by the opportunity to be a part of the lives of our people who we lovingly refer to as the “frameables”. We had so many people come by the studio to visit us over the last couple days – especially our high school seniors – some who are still in high school and just had a couple days off and some who are home visiting from college. They all make us smile!

When new parents bring babies to the studio to photograph and back to visit and photograph as they grow up, when a wonderful 90 year old lady brings a 90 year old photo in to restore and tells us stories, when families come together from out of town and gather in our studio to allow us to be a part of that reunion and document it for posterity, when a dog owner brings in their best friend for a session, these are the moments that have given us so much.

We are thankful for you. All of you. Thank you so much.

Ally and Doug

Meditations on Buying Local…

BUY LOCAL – you hear this everywhere right? Save our local economy! It’s pervasive. There are facebook and LinkedIn groups devoted to the idea, politicians throw the issue around to try to make each other look better than the opponent knowing that it’s an emotional hot button for their constituents, businesses remind you at every turn almost as a sales pitch to get you to come in and buy something in their store. You start to become numb to it.

Listen – it’s certainly an important issue to us being a local business ourselves but I like to buying localkeep these posts a bit lighter and more fun. I don’t want to be a downer and I certainly don’t want to get on a soap box to beat you over the head again to shop local….. (hmmmm wait Doug – this isn’t a typical light fun Frameable Faces blog post – seems you already went there). Sorry. Big exhale….. Okay – I’m just gonna go with it then. But I’m going to try to make it as painless as possible.

The 3/50 Project – Pick 3 and Shop Local

The fact is there were three different things that put this in my head this week in particular which is why I’m thinking about it and felt the need to blog about it. The first thing happened at our last Orchard Mall tenants meeting. One of our fellow tenants alerted all of us to a project and website called The 3/50 Project whose mission is to strengthen independent brick and mortar businesses. What I like about this is that it appears to be a very sensible and practical call to action. The “3/50” part refers to the suggestion that everyone pick out 3 local businesses they would miss if they closed and commit to spending $50 per month collectively at those businesses. The studies suggest that for every 100 dollars spent at a local business 68 of them return to the community. For every 100 spent at a national chain only 43 stays here, and for every 100 spent online none of it stays here. Makes you think.

Don’t Forget Your Favorites

The second thing happened in Birmingham the other day while we were there photographing a senior. We drove past the Varsity Shop which is a sporting goods store that has been there since I was a kid. It is a small corner store that certainly would seem to be a relic from a bygone era when you compare it to stores like Dick’s and The Sports Authority not to mention Target, Meijer, Wal-Mart and all the other big box stores who sell sporting goods. I don’t know the people at the Varsity Shop and I haven’t been in there forever. I don’t know what they specialize in and I have no stake in spotlighting them, but my point is when I pondered how they’ve managed to stay in business when so many others couldn’t it dawned on me – they certainly didn’t do it because I shop there. I felt a pang of guilt – I have good memories of that place and they deserve better from me. Now to totally beat myself up over this isn’t fair because I do buy local – a lot. And with online commerce and the economies of scale that a Target or a Costco brings to the table I’d be nuts to not make sure I looked for the best deals from time to time as we try to support our family with a still-young business in this wonderful economy of ours. Indeed, the 3/50 Project doesn’t suggest you stop buying from chains, they just suggest that you make sure your healthy balance includes a helping of local merchants. I personally think I can do better and I’m going to buy something from the Varsity Shop when I get a chance. Meanwhile the Orchard Mall is filled with many local merchants. We’ve got a Panera here sure (love their breakfast power sandwich – hold the ham, extra egg), but we’ve also got a couple local eateries, a very cool local toy store, a couple boutiques, a linen store, clothing stores, a bridal couture, a dance studio, a locally based supermarket chain, a jeweler, a gift shop, a few spa/salons – all local. Most of the businesses here are local and not many malls can say that.

Seek Out Local Vendors and Partners

The third thing that happened was we received a nice thank you gift from a Michigan based company we order our albums from called Finao (the link is to their blog and much of it is targeted at their clients who are professional photography studios like us – lots of shop talk). This made us feel great and appreciated – this company really gets it. A very inspiring move on their part. It makes us happy to do business with such a great company and it gives us even greater comfort that they are based in Michigan and everything they produce is made from stuff made in the USA. This is not by accident – we have always made a point of using local vendors for the business wherever possible and most of our vendors – our framer, our printer, our canvas folks and many others are based in Michigan.

So, I suppose if I had to give myself a grade with an “A” representing a full commitment to spending as many of my dollars as possible with local businesses (within reason), and being conscious of it whenever I make my choices of what to purchase, I would probably give myself a “B”. I can do better. What about you?

Samira’s Baking Journey

We’ve had the good fortune to be called upon for some very interesting photo shoots over the years and we thought it would be fun to share some “frameable things” – not just faces…

So cue the music – “These are a few of our frameable things…..”

You’ve probably seen or heard us gushing about Samira Cholagh and her cookbooks, one of which (Treasured Middle Eastern Cookbook) is available at our studio here in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield. We met Samira in 2009 as she was working extremely hard on her third book, and she needed someone to photograph the dishes she was going to feature. A special friendship was born (Believe that – Doug and food? Do you know Doug?) as we spent a good chunk of that summer at Samira’s home photographing and eating. It was incredible – this book focuses mostly on baking so we were eating pies, tarts, pastries, and cookies pretty much daily….. oy. Samira is the genuine article – sweet, generous, full of life, and her recipes are fantastic. We think the Food Network needs to discover her and have a show that focuses on middle eastern cuisine. Indeed, her show Samira’s Kitchen can be seen on MEA TV & Radio every Thursday at 7:00 PM and you can go to her YouTube channel or Middle Eastern American TV & Radio for more details.

We were very excited to see Samira on Detroit’s Fox 2 News again yesterday morning doing a cooking demonstration and promoting the new book A Baking Journey, and you can watch the clip from the show right HERE from the myFOXdetroit website! Meanwhile here are 4 photographs we took which appear in Samira’s book!

Frameable Faces Cookbook Photography

Yes – this is what we did with our summer that year….

Samira's Baking Journey, Samira Cholagh

Pineapple and coconut – one of Doug’s favorites from the book…

Recipes, Food, Photography, Frameable Faces, West Bloomfield Photographer

Beautiful – and yummy…

Food, Cookbook, West Bloomfield Photographer, Samira Cholagh

The fig pie is incredible – Doug’s other favorite – we just made this one ourselves a few weeks ago…

Blogging Revisited

So….. we had a meeting with my friend and new guru Melissa Brodsky this morning and I am very excited! You see, Missy is an incredible and very accomplished writer and blogger and she knows her way around social media. I’ve mentioned her blog www.rockanddrool.com before and if you don’t follow it then you can’t be my friend anymore. Okay maybe that was a little strong. But you really should check it out – it’s fantabulous.

As most of you know I spend a lot of time updating our facebook pages and scouring the web for cool content that I think y’all will enjoy and get some use from. I tweet, I set us up with a page on LinkedIn and connect with people there, I’ve got Frameable Faces going on Foursquare, Yelp, YouTube……

It’s now time to revisit and take our blog seriously.

Little by little our online presence has morphed and grown quite a bit and this blog will once again become an important piece to the puzzle that should allow us a more robust platform and outlet for our creative energies (read – Doug can write and post more stuff), help us expand our reach, and help tie the strategy together.

All of those details might not mean a ton to all of you, but I know there are a decent number of frameables who are into this subject and regardless we just like to let you know what we’re doing and why. The blog gives us some additional flexibility and another way to build relationships online. We will continue to post on facebook and we will let you know when there is something to see here (which will be often) and we will ask you to continue to leave your comments, feedback, questions and come along for the ride! Feel free to leave a comment below and let us know what you think! The frameables are the reason we are here and we look forward to giving back to you!