Tag Archives: Farmington Hills Photographer

Rachel’s Session Was Worth The Wait!

We had been on a perfect weather streak this year for our class of 2014 seniors like never before with no rainouts until the last couple weeks when we were rained out three times.  Rachel’s original day had to be completely rescheduled, but as they say patience is a virtue and we got a perfect day for a great girl who really deserved it on the second try!

High School Senior Picture

A Family Affair

We started at the studio and Rachel’s siblings jumped in for a couple of fantastic shots before we headed out on location.  Lots of fun to see these three together with the girls having some fun with their baby brother…

Sibling Portrait

Then we headed out on location and the conditions were just right.  Rachel looked fantastic in some really nice fall settings – you can see some great fall color in this shot…

High School Senior Portrait

…and here’s a little behind the scenes vine from the session.  🙂

All in all we had a great time together and we think you will agree that Rachel’s session was absolutely worth the wait!

High School Senior Pictures

The Magnificence of Maggie!

We are really pleased with the way this session turned out!  We continue to be impressed with the seniors of the class of 2014 and Maggie was no exception.  Just a really sweet girl and so so pretty!  A delightful day with Maggie and her mom yielded some fantastic senior photos!

High School Senior Portrait

Maggie’s preference was to focus on the outdoors and Mother Nature was more than accommodating on this day.  We were able to take our time with a bunch of different settings – trails, bridges, trees, meadows – lots of variety and lots of exploring!

High School Senior Picture

Maggie is really comfortable in front of the camera and the results show just that!  We really feel these show off the “magnificence of Maggie”!  🙂  We hope you enjoy these!

High School Senior PhotoHigh School Senior Portrait

Bridget’s Gold Medal Session!

We are excited to present a few pictures from Bridget’s session which was completely unique!  Let’s just get this out of the way first…. we love this girl!  Pretty and sweet – we really enjoyed our time with her and her mom Julie.  But what also helped to make this session special was several things…  For starters we went to a new location that we haven’t photographed before and that is always exciting for us.  The conditions outside were perfect and the backlight on Bridget’s beautiful curly hair was, well, take a look!

High School Senior PortraitHigh School Senior Picture

Then we came back to the studio, but not before Bridget made a quick stop down the hall at the Beauty Lounge to have her hair blown out straight, and this girl pulls off both looks (curly and straight) really well!  We finished off with some studio work and Bridget broke out her skating medals…which was appropriate since this truly was a gold medal session!!!

High School Senior PortraitHigh School Senior Portrait

Danny Makes A Splash With His Awesome Senior Session!

Another one of our North Farmington Raider spokesmodels, Danny is no fish out of water in front of the camera!  A senior leader on the swim team, he was able to get us access to the natatorium for a few shots of him doing the butterfly which was a first for us, and we love the results!

First things first – we finished at the pool but we started in the studio where Danny went the suit and tie route!  We love when senior boys wear a suit and tie – it just looks really classy.

High School Senior Portrait

We then went on location and got some outdoor shots – back when we took Danny’s photos for his spokesmodel session we were almost completely rained out from doing anything outside.  Here’s an outdoor peak:

High School Senior Portrait

Then we headed to the pool.  You can get a sense for the setup with this Vine…

…and here is a sample of the results!  Ally added a little artistic flair to one of the pictures in the water – take a look!

High School Senior PortraitsHigh School Senior Swimming Portrait


Erin’s “Perfect” Session?

Okay so the title of this post can be a little misleading if we’re singling out this session because we feel that we have lots of “perfect” sessions, so let me explain when it comes to this stunning North Farmington Raider…

High School Senior Portrait

We often joke when we are in a session that if Ally loves the senior she gets over excited and starts firing away burning through the memory card (it happens frequently).  So sometimes during outfit changes or on the way to a location Ally will go through the images on the back of the camera to take out some obvious eye blinks to clear enough room.

High School Senior Picture

So along comes yet another girl we really like who is super nice and looks great and sure enough Ally realizes she’s getting a little crazy with the shutter.  The “problem” this time was that Erin was such a pro there were barely any obviously-less-than-great shots and virtually NO eye blinks!  A perfect session for real?  We’ll let you decide, but either way there’s no doubt it was pretty darn good…  🙂  Enjoy!High School Senior PicturesHigh School Senior Pictures


Amanda’s Amazing Session!

We’ve done sessions at country clubs before, but this session was a first for us – we actually took golf carts out onto the course itself and it makes sense that we’d get fantastic results since golf courses are so picturesque.  And this wasn’t just any golf course – this was one of the most beautiful and prestigious around!

Oh – and as the end of the Vine video above shows, did we happen to mention that we had a stunning senior to photograph at said location….?  🙂

For starters Amanda is a North Farmington Raider which we always have a soft spot for as Raiders ourselves.  She’s an ice skater, she’s pretty, she’s smart, AND she’s sweet.  We started out in the studio – first Ally, Amanda and her mom bonded a little sitting on the floor with clothes laid all around and went through them together, and then we got started.  Here are some highlights…   Enjoy!

Senior PictureSenior Picture

Once we were done in the studio we headed out to our location – it was a beautiful day and we had such a fun time!  Amanda’s dad arrived towards the end of the session and we sat and schmoozed for a while after we finished – great family, great session, great senior!

High School Senior PortraitHigh School Senior Portrait


A Beautiful End To A Wonderful Era

This was a bittersweet senior session but way more sweet than bitter!!!

Senior Portrait

Danielle is the youngest sibling of 4 and we have photographed all 4 of them at one point or another – the latter 3 now for their senior pictures.  We love this family and while we’re sad that this was our last high school senior session with them (that’s the bittersweet part), we have loved getting to know them and working with them all!  We are sure we will always be friends.  🙂

High School Senior Photo

Meanwhile, on to Danielle – what a session!  She is one smart, personable, sweet and beautiful girl.  Danielle did a spokesmodel shoot for us on a nasty winter day that didn’t allow for any location shooting so this time we spent pretty much the whole session outside.  Over the years when we’ve stumbled upon a new spot we haven’t noticed before it has made for some of our favorite photos and the senior who pioneers it gets it named after them such as Rebecca’s tree or Jared’s rock.  This time we found a new spot – a short black wall that was perfect for Danielle!  One of our favorite shots of the session for sure, and now it’s forever hers!  Enjoy!

Senior PortraitHigh School Senior Picture

Stepping Out Into The Spotlight

Jill had an outstanding photo shoot and it’s always special for us when we photograph a younger sibling of one our seniors from the past.  We’ve become very close with Jill’s older sister whom we photographed a couple years ago and with whom we produced some of our most memorable shots.  Meanwhile we had never met Jill until our recent consultation with her to prepare for her own turn in the spotlight…Senior Pictures

WOW!  Such a beautiful, photogenic and sweetheart of a girl!  First we started in the studio:

Senior Pictures

Next we went on location and got a variety of great shots, but it was at the end where the session produced a new shot for us that we LOVE – a little spontaneous hop onto a swing set that yielded such a fantastic result!  Enjoy!

Senior PicturesSenior Photos


Another Cool Senior Session In The City!

We proudly present to you pictures from Noah’s senior session!  You’ve probably seen him in our window and on our class of ’14 brochure…  Noah is one of our spokesmodels and we are happy to have him representing our studio!

High School Senior Photo

The other day we posted on facebook that “happiness is photographing North Farmington Raiders” and this was one of the sessions we were referring to.  Noah’s little brother even came along and jumped into one of the photos!

Photo of Brothers

We had a good time and Ally saved a katydid who was hanging out right in front of a door to a parking garage (we think it may have had an injured leg).  In any event we were pleased with the results with the urban setting!  Enjoy!

High School Senior PicturesHigh School Senior Portrait

Class of 2013 Frameables! Part 4!

Here we are with another round of awesome seniors from the currently-graduating class of 2013!  This has been a fantastic class and these young ladies and gentlemen continue to validate for us why we’ve chosen to do what we do.  Each one has been a pleasure to photograph and to get to know!  As their near-futures start to come into focus we look forward to following their post-high school careers!  Enjoy!

Senior PortraitSenior PortraitsSenior PicturesSenior PortraitsSenior PortraitsSenior PortraitsSenior PortraitSenior PortraitSenior PortraitSenior Portrait