Tag Archives: Class of 2015

The Third Time Was A Charm AND On Point(e) for Rachel!

The third time was indeed a charm and it was “on point” – literally – for Rachel!  If at first you don’t succeed try try again and the same goes for if you get rained out.  We were rained out twice for Rachel’s senior photos so when the weather cooperated in perfect fashion the third time we were quite pleased.

As for being “on point”, Rachel is an accomplished ballerina so she brought her pointe shoes with her and hence we had a session that was both “on point” and on pointe!  Rachel is a really sweet and soft spoken girl, she was a joy to be with, and so was her mom who joined us on the session!  Most of the focus was on location for Rachel’s session so that’s what we will highlight here.  Let’s start with a nice casual photo of a relaxed Rachel:

Third Time

Love that shot and we had just the slightest breeze giving Rachel’s hair a little lift – beautiful!

Third Time And On Pointe…

Now let’s take a look at a couple photos that combined dance with our beautiful setting, starting with Rachel on pointe on a tree stump!

Third Time

Such a unique photo and definitely a first for us!  Love it!

Let’s now take a look at our fun behind the scenes vine of our day with Rachel:

Next let’s look at a take on a “sleeping swan” pose.

Third Time

So pretty!

Okay now we’ll move over to the waterfalls as a backdrop for Rachel in a pretty dress to conclude our highlights!

Third Time

So now you see what we mean when we say Rachel’s session was not only on pointe but on point too!  The third time was definitely a charm for this girl and we’re certainly glad it was.  We hope you enjoyed the highlights from her session!



A Lovely Birthday Afternoon With Lauren!

As promised the following photos are selections from a lovely afternoon with Lauren which  followed our pretty morning with another Lauren.  It was “a day of Laurens” here at Frameable Faces!  Both sessions had elements that made them particularly special, and in this case our senior was looking beautiful on her birthday!  We were honored to be able to share some of it with her, and the results speak for themselves!

Most afternoon sessions start in the studio so that if we are going on location and it happens to be sunny we can have the sun lower in the sky which is better for lighting.  So with Lauren we started with our black and blowy set up and she really nailed it – just striking…

Afternoon With Lauren

Lauren’s pretty blonde hair looks fantastic against the black background and we stuck with the black for this full length photo:

Afternoon With Lauren

Next we headed outside for some location photos – we ordered such a perfect day for Lauren’s birthday!

Afternoon With Lauren

Another nice element of this session was that Lauren’s stylist came along for the entire shoot, so if her makeup needed a little touch up or her hair needed a little adjustment she had the assistance she needed.  That was a first for us and Tanyel Thomas deserves a shout out for doing a great job with Lauren.

Here is our fun (and “fierce” haha) behind the scenes vine of the day…

A Pretty Morning With Lauren!

A pretty morning with Lauren was a great way to start the day, and in fact it was a unique day in that we photographed a Lauren in the morning and another Lauren in the afternoon!  That has happened once before in Frameable Faces history that we know of.  Meanwhile our “morning Lauren” was a younger sibling of a past Frameable Faces senior which is always special for us, and that is the session we are highlighting here!

We started out on location for this session as we typically do in the morning so that if it’s sunny we can capture photos with the sun lower in the sky.  The conditions were perfect after what had been looking like a potentially shaky forecast which was a good sign that luck would be on our side this day.

Morning With Lauren

Love the effect of the lily pads in the background on the one above!

Here are a few more from the location portion of the shoot.  Love the pop of color on Lauren’s dress against all the natural green around…!

Morning With Lauren

And those eyes!  🙂

Morning With Lauren

Here is our fun behind the scenes vine of the morning!

Alesha Leads The Way For The Class of 2015!

Alesha leads the way for the class of 2015 with these photos from her spectacular senior session!  You already saw 14 members of this class as spokesmodels and those are “our” sessions where we test out new ideas.  We wrapped those up and now going forward the class of 2015 sessions belong to the seniors!

As for Alesha we have become very big fans of this girl in a very short time and we were very excited to photograph her.  We were itching to get going with our new seniors and we already had one rain out so we were not happy when we woke up to pouring rain and even some thunder on the morning of her scheduled photo shoot.  We had our eyes on the hourly forecast and it stayed pretty true to the prediction of better weather in the afternoon so we kept the appointment and crossed our fingers…

We started in the studio with our black background:Alesha Leads

Next we moved over to the white, but with a blue gel.  Using colored gels over our lights allows us to manipulate the color a bit which gives us a cool look.  Alesha looks great in the red against the blue!  This would probably be a good time to give a shout out to Gloria at The Beauty Lounge for the makeup with this close-up!

Alesha Leads

At this point we were ready to head outside and as luck would have it “outside” was ready for us!  The weather cleared up and we had a perfect afternoon!  Here is a fun little vine with a couple highlights of the day:

Love love love these next two photos – the lighting and all the green in this one is amazing!  Alesha has a natural and easy smile and this photo just works.

Alesha Leads

Alesha was a trooper – it’s a little yucky where she got in the water and she stood there and waited for one very large cloud to pass so we could get the lighting we wanted!  We took a series of photos here and here is one we like that has a bit of a unique look in black and white.

Alesha Leads

We enjoyed our time with Alesha and we are so glad to know her!  We hope you enjoyed these photos!