Princess A

It’s taken me awhile to get her up here on the blog – about a day longer than I usually like, but I’ve been searching and working on being able to upload small web galleries to the blog. I wanted A’s to be the first one, but I got antsy. Either way, I’m going to do it, but for now this will have to do!

This is the third time that I’ve worked with A and her amazing parents! They’re like part of the family already! I LOVE going over there to work with them! They really are great. So for this session, Princess A was still sleeping when I got there, but when she woke up…Wow! Was she happy!!! Now these are just a few of the many amazingly adorable images that I have of her. You’ll have to wait until I get this web gallery thing figured out! More stories about my fun session with this little princess to come when I get the gallery up!

Until next time,


What a beautiful family!

Meet the C’s – J, A and P. Their parent’s won a session with me at a school silent auction. It’s pretty funny, since my daughter and A are in the same class! Since I first met A, I’ve wanted to photograph her. She’s a beautiful girl! Her long flowing hair reminds me of Rapunzel, but this Princess is not stuck in a tower! She’s totally down to earth!

Big sister, J is drop dead gorgeous! Very sweet and brilliant, as well! She’s off to college in the fall to a pretty prestigious school. Lots to be proud of in her house!

And then there’s baby P. What a cutie pie! I was giving him little tickles and he was giving me the biggest belly laughs. You know the kind that make you laugh right along with him?!

This was one of my easiest photo sessions. They were so easy to work with and made my time shooting so much fun!

Thanks for a great couple hours, J, A and P! You guys were a blast!

Be on the look out for a very pretty new mommy-to-be! I’ll be posting some sneak peaks of T probably tomorrow!

Until next time,


S’s Bat Mitzvah sneak peak…As promised!

This weekend, I had the pleasure of photographing S’s Bat Mitzvah. Isn’t she beautiful!?!

On Thursday, we had the rehearsal where I got to meet the family, S’s Dad and her adorable younger brother, E. We had the BEST time together! S and E are just downright hilarious and they are so super close! They genuinely love each other and it shows in every image that I have of the two of them together. It’s just so sweet!

S has an unbelievable singing voice – I heard her for just a bit before I had to run out of the synagogue for a lighting seminar later on that night. She sounded so beautiful chanting her Torah portion. Just beautiful!

Saturday, brought us to the celebration. S had a bunch of people waiting to celebrate with her – including family all the way from Israel! This is one loved little lady here! She rocked out her party and everyone had a great time.

D, S’s mom, was an absolute doll to work with. I know I’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating here again. I’ll photograph Bat and Bar Mitzvah’s all the time if they continue to go like this one!

I had a great time celebrating with S’s family and I felt honored to have been selected to be the photographer for such a warm, loving and fabulous family!

Congratulations, S! I hope you enjoy the images!

Until next time,

We’re famous! (Sort of…) and Wow! Did you see that??

It’s absolutely amazing to me how quickly time goes between blog postings! I feel like I just posted the other day and yet here it is almost THREE weeks later! I’m so sorry everyone! Well, to get you up to speed. I’ve been booking a lot of Bar/Bat Mitzvah’s over these past three weeks (FUN!!). And I’ve even booked a couple second weddings, too. I LOVE shooting those!

My newsletter went out in the mail. And they look great! I’ve been getting a very positive response from that. If you’re interested, let me know and I can add you to the mailing list. When you join, you’ll get the newsletter which has a ton of information from photo tips, to recipes and some savings on packages, too.

This past weekend, we took the kids up to Ann Arbor to meet the new football coach, Rich Rodriguez. If you don’t already know, my husband played football for UM in the late 80’s/early 90’s. He got to go up and meet Coach Rodriguez on Saturday night with all the former players and the wives and kids were all invited up on Sunday afternoon for a brunch and the UM/Ohio State basketball game.
Well, we met Coach and is he ever a nice guy! He’s so young, too! I think he’s maybe in his mid 40’s. Anyways, it was a great day. UM kicked OSU’s tushie, which I was very thankful for. We were sitting right in front of a real lot of the OSU fans and they were so…well, you get the picture. Typical college rivalry. Lots of bantering back and forth with some choice words (none from me!).

So on Monday morning, we find out that OUR IMAGE is the THE IMAGE on the new blog that introduces Coach Rodriguez! It’s hilarious!!! Go check out Then go to varsity sports, then football. When you get to the blog section about Coach Rodriguez, you’ll see an image of a big guy with an “M” hat on, me in a gray sweater, my son wearing a black and gray striped button-down, and my daughter shaking hands with Coach! SEE!!! We’re famous!

Ok, so tonight, there was a total lunar eclipse. We waited just until American Idol was over before we braved the cold to go check it out. I’m so glad that we did! I’ve never seen an eclipse before (I know, I know…) and WOW! Was it unbelievable! So beautiful. I had to share it. I’ve never experimented with taking images at night, especially when it was SOOO cold (5 degrees!), but I’m so glad that I did. I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to see one of these. I can’t wait for the next one!


Until later,


Sitting in the airport waiting to come home….

To digest everything I’ve learned. As I’ve said in my past entries, I’ve learned so much and this was one of those things that was definitely a good thing for business. I’m bringing home so many amazing ideas, so many different products to offer to all of my clients and even some awesome gifts.

Last night was the ending party for the convention and they held it at the Tampa aquarium. What a beautiful place! Earlier in the day, I met a couple other photographers from Ohio and Kentucky and since my roommates weren’t into heading to the aquarium, I hung out with Wini and Emily. It turns out that the three of us had a lot in common, too. Emily loved the aquarium and was just as excited as I was to see the sharks. Wini was so excited to see all of the different cool fish and she just went nuts over a really big green moray eel. What a great trip! We took some amazing pictures at the aquarium.

So, this was an amazing trip and even though it took me away from my family for 5 days, it was very much worth it. I missed them all terribly, but the information that I got from these past days was unbelievable! So now, my next endeavor is in March, when I head to South Carolina for some more training.

I’ll keep you posted with everything that’s going on!

I had my portfolio review and got some exciting news!

So, today I woke up super early (before 5 a.m!) after a LONG night of partying and had an unbelievable day! I took classes today on marketing, lighting and learned all about a very cool “boutique-y” studio. I walked around the expo all afternoon – it’s SO big and packed with so much information that I was in camera heaven! So nuts!! But it was so exciting, too! There’s so much stuff that’s being brought to market that I just can’t wait to get a hold of it all. And I can’t wait to be able to share it with all of you!

So, in 2008, I’m going to be offering a bunch of new things like great spiral bound “brag” books, and leather bound wallet sized “brag” books, too! You’re just going to have to wait to see everything! Unbelievable stuff! So exciting!

Speaking of exciting, when I had my porfolio review, I got a pretty good one (which always makes me happy!) and she strongly suggested that I enter an image into the Black-and-White category. It’s an image of Ewan and it’s one of my most favorites! So, that’s my new news! I’ll be submitting it to another conference competition in March, too. I’ll let you know how I fare!

So, now I’m off to bed so I can get up and start learning more all over again! This has been an amazing trip so far!!!

Happy New Year and greetings from Tampa!

I’m writing this from my hotel room in Tampa, Florida. I’m at the Professional Photographers Association Conference and it’s so amazing! Today, I took two classes on Senior photography. This is something that I”ve been interested in doing for a while, but haven’t had the information to do so. Well, today I got a ton of good information on doing Senior photography. I’m so excited to start doing this type of photography. I have a ton of great ideas on posing, getting great images and an amazing referral program, too! So, if you know anyone who’s going to be a senior, graduating in 2009, please send them my way! I’m looking for models who are very active in school activities – athletics, band, cheerleading, poms, etc…you know who’s active in many different facets of school life. I’m offering a free session and like I said, an amazing referral program – but you’ll have to send me an email or give me a call to find out more about it!

This is going to be an amazing year for Frameable Faces! What an amazing opportunity to get in on the growth! I’ll be blogging about what’s been going on day by day as the week goes on! Check back tomorrow to see what happened on Sunday, January 6!

Aidan – One of the “Beautiful” Babes from the contest

So yesterday, I had the awesome pleasure of meeting Aidan. He’s one of the winners from the contest. Ok, I thought he was really cute from the image that his mom sent in, but I was amazed at how much cuter he is than that! What a monstrous cutie! And he was so sweet, to boot! Smart as a whip – it’s really hard to remember how old he is. He seems so much older!
We had a great shoot. He had me laughing and was just a joy to be around. He gave me a great big hug when we were all done, too. What a super sweet little man!!! As a side note, his mom was one of the nicest people I’ve worked with, too! So, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, as the saying goes!!
Anyways, here are some sneak peaks at Aidan’s photo session. It’s going to be really hard to choose which ones to order!

The C family and updates on Baby, You’re Beautiful

I had the awesome pleasure of photographing an absolutely beautiful family this weekend – Meet the C family! There were a total of 6 families and I has such a blast with all of them! There were a ton of kids and they were all so well behaved and sweet! I wish I could post all of the images here, but it’d be incredibly difficult to post 70+ images! So you’ll just have to deal with these!
Well, after I finished up the family shoot, I got a great surprise! They asked me if I’d be able to come back and shoot S and S’s wedding the next day! What a great honor! I’ll post some of those pictures in a bit, but I just wanted to say I had a great weekend with the family and I’d love to do it again when everyone’s together next time, too! Thanks so much for including me in your day!
The Baby You’re Beautiful contest is in full swing! Remember to get your images in by next Sunday. And don’t forget to pass along the information about the contest to everyone you know with cute kids! I’m loving all the entries so far. It’s going to be a hard decision for you guys!
I’ll post some images of the wedding soon. Wait til you see this great couple!