Author Archives: Doug Cohen

Nick Closes Out Our Class of 2017 Spokesmodels In Style!

Nick is next up in our Class of 2017 blog posts, and yes he’s the subject of the last of these, but he’s far from the least!  This guy is great – bursting with personality and we liked him the minute we met him.  Funny enough we ended up sealing the deal with him representing our studio as a spokesmodel when Ally and I went out to eat at Social Kitchen and Bar in Birmingham – Nick was the host that night and we didn’t even know it!  He was the first person to greet us when we walked in (we had already met with him and his mom Sally)!  Everything about that night was pretty cool as a side note – the restaurant has owners who are parents of one of our seniors, three of our former seniors work there, and now we’ve got Nick!  You should eat there – it’s awesome.

Nick Is Next…

But back to Nick.  This guy showed up with what seemed like a whole closet of clothes (according to him only a third of his wardrobe) and let’s just say the kid has style!  We joked that day and since that ya gotta have options!  Lol…  Let’s start with a formal shot on the black background:


What a stud.

At this point we headed outside because we wanted to get some variety in Birmingham, but before we look at those let’s see some behind the scenes action – first with our 6 second Vine for your looping pleasure…

Now for your extended viewing if you like here are the replays of our live Periscope broadcasts from our day.  If you haven’t downloaded Periscope yet you can do so and follow us at @FrameableFaces at this link.

Okay now for the location photos…  Shades, sun, flowers, steps, casual pose – cool!


And more steps….but a totally different aesthetic….


And we’ll leave you with this one – we like cityscapes with brick, alleys and the like!


Another awesome spokesmodel and another awesome session!  We may still have some fun recaps coming about our Class of 2017 team, but even more exciting we’ll have new seniors to present soon – including a new round of posts featuring this awesome crew of 9 as they return for their own senior pictures!

The Great Gabby Makes Her Return With Her Senior Session!

You know when the great Gabby makes her return you’ll be in for some, well…greatness!  Hehe…  But seriously – the fact of the matter is we have now photographed Gabby 4 times!  First as the little sister in her sister Rachel’s senior session a couple years back, as a spokesmodel for us for the class of 2016, again for the spokesmodel mural currently in our window and now for her senior session which we present highlights of to you now!

Great Gabby Makes Her Return…

We started out here in the studio and we kept it pretty simple.  Just the black and the white backgrounds.  We’ll share one on the black here…  just a great representation of Gabby being her cute smiley self:

Great Gabby Makes Her Return

From there we’re going to head to the location photos since that was more of the focus of this session, and for the outdoor shots we went to Heritage Park in Farmington Hills which has a ton of variety to work with…  Before we look at the photos though here’s our behind the scenes fun from our day – first with our 6 second Vine for your looping pleasure:

Next we have the replays of our Periscope broadcasts from the day – in this case we have the video without the comments scrolling on the screen but you’ll get the idea, and we love that Gabby’s mom Lisa makes an appearance and it’s really fun towards the end when the two sisters take over the broadcast for a few minutes!  You can download Periscope and follow us at @FrameableFaces at this link:

Now let’s get to the rest of the photos!

First we have this fun photo of Gabby on the back of a trailer – we used a tractor, a trailer…. we had a good laugh and this photo is awesome!

Great Gabby Makes Her Return

Next we have a close up and more thoughtful pose of Gabby and something about it just really shows off her beauty…

Great Gabby Makes Her Return

Lastly a pop of color from some nearby flowers help to make this photo a gem!

Great Gabby Makes Her Return

And there you have it!  We had a blast with Gabby and we hope you enjoyed the highlights of her session!

Ben Leads The Way for the Class of 2017 Spokesmodel Boys!

Ben leads the way for the two guys we have in our class of 2017 spokesmodel crew!  Ben is another one of our daughter Lacey’s friends and Ben’s parents are friends of ours too.  Ben is sharp guy – smart and driven and we like him a lot!  He did a great job on this session which is cool because not all the boys dream of posing for pictures for a couple hours.  I think Ben had more fun than he expected which is usually how it goes!

Ben Leads…

After a string of 7 straight girls Ben is our first guy spokesmodel for this class and we started off with the GQ formal look here in the studio on the grey background…Ben LeadsDapper dude…

One more in the studio with a more casual look…

Ben LeadsAt this point before we head on location we’ll take a look at the fun behind the scenes footage from the day!  First we have our 6 second vine for your looping pleasure:

Next we have the replays of our live Periscope broadcasts from our YouTube channel.  You can subscribe to the channel and you can also download the Periscope app and follow us at @frameablefaces there at this link.  It’s fun!  Ben’s awesome mom Gina makes an appearance and so does Lacey as a guest host for a couple minutes!

Okay now let’s take a look at the location photos from the trails behind the West Bloomfield Library – it’s really nice back there…

Ben Leads

Definitely one of our favorite shots of the day!  Blue shirts bring out blue eyes nicely…

We’ll leave you with this last one by the city hall…

Ben Leads

Good stuff!  We had a great day with Ben and we’re happy for him to lead the way for the class of 2017!  Stay tuned – Nick is up next on the blog!  We hope you enjoyed these highlights of Ben!


A Little Bit Of Ilyssa & Lots Of Fab On Her Spokesmodel Session!

Ilyssa has never been afraid to go after what she wants.  When she was three she decided that our Lacey should be her friend and she made it happen.  She brought our families together in doing so and we’ve been friends ever since – going on 14 years!  So this was another of those surreal sessions that we have with family or long time friends and it was quite fab indeed.  “Lissy’s” older sister Rachel was also a spokesmodel for us a few years ago so this is the second time around with these guys… but as a crew they’ve been in here every holiday season for their holiday cards so this was a familiar scene!

Ilyssa & Lots of Fab…

We started out in the studio on a day we weren’t so sure about – unseasonably cold and potential rain…  We broke out the damask pattern for the first shot and we love the hat – hats are way underrated for girls – they almost never fail!


She looks amazing!

At this point we noticed that there was much more light coming in through the center court skylights than we thought – so we made the snap decision to go on location to Pontiac right then and there.  It was really cold but the lighting was pretty good and it was dry so we went with it…


We spotted this doorway and combined with Lissy’s dress it was a total winner!  Love the blue on blue!!!

Before we show our last two sneak peeks let’s see our fun behind the scenes footage from our day!  First with our fun 6 second looping vine:

Next we have the replays of our Periscope broadcasts which are always fun from our YouTube channel.  Subscribe to us there and follow us on Periscope at @frameablefaces!  You can download the app at this link.

Okay let’s get back to a couple more sneak peeks!

Ilyssa had an outfit change on location and we got this cool shot on this staircase…


Now if you remember we kinda raced out to the location when the weather appeared to break, but we still had some studio work to do, so back to the studio we went to wrap it up on the black background…


Oh – hey beautiful!  Love the shades.

And that will do it for now!!!  A little bit of Ilyssa and a whole lot of fab!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day!


Snow Or No, Doesn’t Matter – Nadia Is A Natural!

Nadia is a natural – a beautiful photogenic, athletic, softspoken and all around nice girl.  We had a lot of fun with her and her mom Thyawana over a long period of time which is kind of nice.  Not a typical session because we broke this one up into multiple seasons, but it’s nice to put together a session that is out of the box once in a while especially when snow is involved!!!  Every year a few seniors want the snow and we’ve had some amazing snowy sessions – this was one of them.

Nadia’s fall photos….

But before we get to our winter wonderland we got together on a cloudy day last fall for a few photos over at Nadia’s high school Birmingham Groves for some really nice shots on the field and in front of the school – they had this all planned out for what they wanted and the results are awesome.  Here’s a representative photo from that day of Nadia in her letter jacket on the school sign that we think is so much fun!

NadiaNow before we switch seasons, let’s take a look at some of our fun behind the scenes action from the session(s)!  Let’s start with our six second vine for your looping pleasure:

Next we have the replay of the live Periscope broadcasts from both of those days – the first broadcast has comments and the second does not but they’re still both fun!  If you haven’t downloaded Periscope yet you NEED to – you can do so and follow us at @frameablefaces at this link.

To The Snow…

We reconvened on the West Bloomfield Trail in a snowstorm for these amazing photos.  Huge fluffy flakes that at one point were so thick they actually posed a challenge for Ally to find Nadia through the flakes!  Here is a prime example:


Incredible!  Nadia is just stunning too…

This is one of our favorite snow photos which several of our seniors have rocked over the years:


Let’s leave you with one more with this fabulous full length photo of Nadia….


So there you go!  Nadia was definitely a natural and the different seasons made our time with her quite memorable!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights!

Bat Mitzvah Photos From Abby’s World Cup!

Abby’s World Cup was a night to remember alright – our event photographer Angela captured the festivities and we have a few highlights to share with you from the happy occasion!  We have sent Angela to photograph this wonderful family before and Angela reported back some of the details for me to share…

Cookies – the magic word…

Sometimes it’s good to have a word that works when you are photographing different groupings of folks at an event to get everyone’s attention and according to Angela the word that gets these guys to giggle is “cookies”.  Haha!  She also confirmed that Abby is sweet and kind and trusted Angela with every pose which makes us happy – that’s great for a day as important as this!  We’ll start with one of our favorite types of photos – the bat mitzvah girl with her proud parents at the temple looking on from beyond…

Abby's World Cup

Next let’s take a look at a simple and sweet close up of Abby…

Abby's World CupSo cute!  Angela mentioned that it was a pretty cold day of about 30 degrees and Abby was a total trooper and a perfect model.  Angela is always good about getting this next shot which is a special one of Abby pointing to her portion in the Torah with a yad.

Abby's World Cup

Abby’s World Cup!

Abby’s party had a World Cup soccer theme and according to Angela it was a blast!  She said the really fun parties make what she does not feel like a job at all and she also mentioned that Abby and her sister got along great – that Elizabeth and Abby have a lot of inside jokes that Elizabeth used to make Abby laugh!  Here’s the family hug that we love so much as a pose!

Abby's World Cup

We love our Angela’s photographic eye and her creativity and she captured this fun photo of Abby framed by some colorful balloons!

Abby's World Cup

We’ll leave you with this parting shot of Abby with all of her peeps!

Abby's World Cup

So there you have it!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of Abby’s special day!

Real Awesomeness With Rachel On Her Senior Session!

Real awesomeness was what we experienced, really from the moment Rachel and her mom Wendy walked in the door for the first time!  We instantly fell in love with these two – the consultation went way longer than usual and we were laughing and having a blast.  We knew this session would rock!  Rachel is a cool girl – beautiful, really funny and she’s a North Farmington Raider like us!  We planned a great day with some studio work, some city stuff in Birmingham, and some pretty stuff too including a few shot with their golden lab Dude!

Real Awesomeness…

So let’s start with one shot from the studio before we head out.  This is one on the black background that I suggested to Ally might look great in a portrait crop instead of landscape – see what ya think…

Real AwesomenessLove it – especially the black clothing on the black background – people expect that you can’t really do that but if you light it properly it’s fantastic.

Before we head outside with the location photos let’s take a look at some of the behind the scenes action from the day.  First we have our 6 second looping Vine AND I’m also including our fun snapchat story while we’re at it.

Next we have our epic replays from our live Periscope broadcasts… these particular replays do not have the synced comments but they’re still fun especially when Wendy takes over to guest host a bit!  If you haven’t downloaded Periscope yet you can do so and follow us at @frameablefaces here.

To Birmingham…

At this point it’s time to check out the amazing awesomeness of the location photos.  First we have a couple in the city.  Here we go…

Real AwesomenessRight?  Wow.

And then there’s this…

Real Awesomeness

Nothing like perfect backlight and a perfectly timed breeze…  Rachel was really rockin’ it at this point…

Next we headed to a secluded spot along a stream that we love for this one we’ll leave you with!

Real Awesomeness

Yes this was real awesomeness alright…  We loved our day with Rachel!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of her session!

Marveling At Marie And Her Spokesmodel Session!

Marveling at Marie is something we started doing a couple years ago when she came along with her older twin sisters Kristen and Katherine on their senior session from the class of 2015.  We had our eye on her back then to be a spokesmodel when it was her turn, and now sure enough here she is!  Such beautiful girls and a beautiful mom too!  Marie’s mom Marilyn is one of our faves as well, so we were excited to get them in here and we can’t wait to have them back for Marie’s senior pictures too!  But first things first, let’s take a look at a few different colors and outfits that Marie rocked here in the studio for her spokesmodel session…

Marveling at Marie….

This was a total in-studio session where we could play around with a few different backdrops and for the highlights we’ll start with the grey fabric.  We love this look and haven’t used it a ton yet…

Marveling at Marie

Love the way the peach blends into it and Marie looks amazing!

Meanwhile we gave our Snapchat geofilter another whirl on this day – it was a pretty big day for the studio since we did a “Snapchat swap” with one of our Periscope friends Chris Strub where he took over our account and vice versa.  Here is a clip from our snap story from the day with our logo geofilter at the bottom and Marilyn chillin’ in the background which Marie comically points out…  haha!!!

Next we have a photo from the red background and this is a cool little “room” setup with one of our vintage chairs, the moulding and the floor…

Marveling at Marie

Now let’s take a look at our behind the scenes 6 second looping vine:

…and the first Periscope replay from the live broadcasts we did during the session so you can get a little more of a sense of the fun we have!

…and the second one!

Okay now let’s get back to a couple more photos!

Next we have one from the simple and contemporary look of the white background which is always a winner, and this pose is a winner too…

Marveling at Marie

Lastly we have one of our “signature moves” of the “black and blowy” setup which always delivers… and Marie knew how to deliver here too!

Marveling at Marie


And there it is – you can see why we’re marveling at Marie, and why we can’t wait to get her back in here for her senior portraits later in the year!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights from her spokesmodel session!

The Frameable Faces Restoration Project!


Polish WeddingI have always had a keen interest in history on many levels.  In addition to my own personal interest in reading books and visiting historical sites I’ve tried to find ways to incorporate history into Frameable Faces.  Not only are we capturing moments and preserving them forever when we photograph our clients, I have blogged about historical photos of American Presidents, I’ve dabbled with my Life Preservers idea on and off to do interviews with people about their personal histories and I have written about photo restoration.  This leads us to the restoration project…

Photo restoration is a special opportunity for us to help people preserve and even recover a piece of their own history that has been damaged or thought to be lost.  When someone brings in a damaged photo, we have it restored to pristine condition and return it to them and we see the tears of emotion and joy that pour out when they see the results – these are some of the best moments we have here.

Here are a couple of examples:

A lady brought in this last photo she had of her late brother from before he went off to war.  He returned from fighting but he was never the same.  This photo was faded, browned, torn, taped, incomplete and stapled to a manilla envelope (you can actually see the staple at the top of his hat).  It meant a lot to her and it meant a lot to us to present it back to her completely restored.  This is such important work.  Helping people reclaim their history.

The Frameable Faces Restoration Project

Next one of our seniors had a photo of his mom from her passport from when she came to this country as a young child.  It is the only photo that exists of her from before she came to America.  It was tiny and had part of the raised stamping from the passport on it – not exactly in great condition.

Here’s the before:

Restoration Project

Here’s the after:

Restoration Project

Next we have a baby picture of a lady who came to the studio while in her 90’s.  Such a sweet lady, Lucille’s photo had some damage around the edges from the frame it was in, a couple of creases and stains, and the photo was fading a little.

Here’s the before:

Restoration Project

Here’s the after:

Restoration Project

Here is a case of some damage and significant fading on this one… the photo was really starting to disappear and it was small – we couldn’t make it much bigger but we definitely brought her back…

The before:

Restoration Project


The after:

Restoration Project


Here’s a color wedding photo that had been significantly damaged and faded over time that just needed to be brought back to life…


Restoration Project



Restoration Project


We could go on and on with examples of photos we’ve restored…

Enter Periscope and the Restoration Project…

The element we are adding to make this more of a project is the live video element.  We have an amazing community of people we have connected with literally all around the world on Periscope.  If you are unaware of Periscope it is a live streaming app owned by twitter and you can download it and follow us at @frameablefaces at this link.

At any given time in one of our live broadcasts you can be a part of a social video watching and chatting in real time with people from Australia, Israel, Turkey, Brazil, The UK, France, Russia, Malaysia, Serbia, Nigeria, India, Pakistan, Germany, Spain, Morocco, Ukraine – the list goes on and on.  If someone in Sweden has an old damaged photo they want to restore they can scan it and send it to us digitally.  Periscope has allowed us to connect with people all over the world!

So with the Frameable Faces Restoration Project we are giving people the opportunity to come on to our channel to show the before and after photos and share the story of the photo with the rest of our community.  We can then record these and put them all together on a playlist on our YouTube channel.  If you don’t want to come on and do a live interview and would prefer to just give us the story separately for the blog that’s fine too!  The main thing is sharing stories with our community, bringing us together, reclaiming and restoring history!

Contact us for details if you’re interested!  You can call the studio at 248-790-7317, email me at, or DM us on twitter at @frameablefaces


Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
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The Thrill Of The Chase…The Sequel – His Senior Portraits!

Chase has been one of our spokesmodels for the soon-to-be graduating class of 2016 and you may remember his spokesmodel session on this blog.  Chase has a lot going on as we’ve said before with his business with a couple of buddies PWR Detroit, and he’s heading to Indiana University in the fall!  Meanwhile with some scheduling and weather issues for his scheduled senior session we ended up breaking up this session into two different days for the studio half and the location half.  No worries – just more days to hang out with this guy….

Chase In The Studio…

Let’s start with the studio session which was first where we kept it pretty clean and simple.  Here we will highlight a couple photos against the white background….

Chase Note the PWR Detroit bracelet….  🙂

Just relaxed casual looks here – dig it.


Now let’s take a look at some behind the scenes footage from our day(s).  First with our 6 second looping vine

Next we have the replays of the live Periscope broadcasts from the two days from our YouTube channel.  If you haven’t downloaded Periscope yet you can do so and follow us at @frameablefaces here!

First the studio part…

And now the location part!

To Birmingham…

We reconvened on another day to head out to Birmingham for the location part of the portraits and we’ll share a couple of those highlights here:


That one was pretty cool because we weren’t expecting to show up and find a fresh coat of paint a completely different color than that wall used to be!  Very cool…  Okay one more:


And there you have it!  The thrill of the Chase – the sequel!  We’ve enjoyed having Chase represent the studio this year and we hope you’ve enjoyed the highlights from our time with him!