Author Archives: Doug Cohen

We Are Literally In Love With Lily And Her Senior Session!

Lily is easy to “fall in love” with – she’s just cool.  She gets it – outgoing, beautiful, really talented, smart, and a friend of our Lacey’s!  She’s the total package!  She has represented our studio this year as a spokesmodel for the class of 2017 and we’ve photographed her a few times now so we know it’s going to be a great day when Lily is in front of Ally’s camera!

It’s also a rare occasion that we have the opportunity to photograph a session at Cranbrook because you need to be an approved vendor or have some kind of special permission.  Cranbrook is obviously beautiful and with perfect weather (even if it was a little hot) the planets were aligned so to speak.  Lily definitely delivered and her mom Amy came with us too – she’s a delight.  So let’s get to some highlights of our day!

In Love With Lily…

This entire session was on location since we were able to get some nice studio stuff on Lily’s spokesmodel session already.  So let’s get to it…


Love this bridge by the Japanese gardens.  How cute is she?

By the way let’s take a look at some of the behind the scenes fun we had – first with a 6 second Vine for your looping pleasure…

We also have one Periscope broadcast to share but it wasn’t easy… there wasn’t much of a signal on Cranbrook’s campus so we only have the one replay here for your extended viewing!  You can watch our broadcasts at @FrameableFaces on Twitter here or join in the broadcasts on Periscope on your smartphone with the app here!

Now let’s get back to more photos!


Love it!

The lighting was fantastic for this next photo and we love the pose – Lily really rocked it – she’s a pro.


For the last photo we found a waterfall that was not easy to get to, but it was totally worth it – what a great spot!


Great one to end on!  Love this girl indeed and we hope you enjoyed the highlights from our day with Lily!

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

Caroline In The City For Her Awesome Senior Session In The D!

Okay that title was just too easy!  When your senior is Caroline and you head to Detroit City for her senior session, then a TV show with the same name provides convenient inspiration.  Detroit sessions are proving to be epic and this one was no exception complete with a trip to Polish Village in Hamtramck for dinner afterwards with Caroline and her parents!  But before we get to that let’s talk about Caroline for a sec…  Another friend of our Lacey’s, we’ve known her for a few years now so this was a lot of fun (Lacey even came along).  She’s a North Farmington Raider just like us, a total sweetheart, and she looked amazing for her session!

Awesomeness in the studio…

Before we headed downtown we started out in the studio to get a few photos here including a few on the red couch with the red paper background like this one:


Beautiful!  And love the color coordination with the flowers…

Now before we head to Detroit for a few more shots let’s take a look at some of the behind the scenes action from our day!  First we have the Periscope replay from the studio during the above setup with the red couch.  If you haven’t followed us yet on Periscope you can see the broadcasts on twitter or join the broadcasts in the app on your smart phone at this link.

Next we have our 6 second Vine from Belle Isle and Eastern Market in Detroit for your looping pleasure:

Caroline In The City

Our first stop was Belle Isle which is a fantastic location especially since it became a state park.  This spot provides a nice vista to get a little of the Detroit skyline in the background…


Here’s the broadcast we did from Belle Isle by the fountain:

Next we headed over to Eastern Market where there are a ton of amazing murals on the walls – many of them commissioned and quite stunning, and that’s where we captured this close up:


Caroline was definitely in the zone at this point and we were having a blast!  Love the colors and her top definitely brings out her eyes here…

Here’s our last broadcast from the day in the Eastern Market area – so cool…

We ended up in the new section of the Dequindre Cut which we had never been to – I thought it would be cool to get a panorama of my own of the scene with my iPhone…


And here is one of the photos from this scene that we LOVE.  Caroline looks fantastic!

CarolineSo there you have it!  Caroline in the city and bringing her A-game for an awesome senior session in the D!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights from our day!

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

Leah Left A Lasting Impression On Her Senior Session!

Leah left a lasting impression on her senior session for sure, but we didn’t really doubt that would be the case.  Leah is a character and with her gorgeous curly red hair she’s impossible to forget!  We’ve known Leah for a long time too so this was one of those many surreal senior sessions we have here with seniors we’ve known since they were little.  Aside from the yearbook headshot this was an entirely on location session and we had a great day for it.  The summer has been hot but the visuals have been beautiful.  Leah’s mom Laynie came with us just like she did a few years back for Leah’s older sister Sara’s session and we had fun once again!  So on that note, let’s get to some photos!

Leah Left A Lasting Impression…

Our first spot was one that Leah suggested and one we had never photographed before!  There are always new spots to find, and this one was so cool because it was a pond literally covered with a sheet of green algae…  take a look!

Lasting Impression

What a cool backdrop it makes and the lighting on Leah’s hair is awesome!

Before we head to our next location let’s look at some of the behind the scenes fun from our day – first with our 6 second looping Vine:

As an added bonus here is the link to the little Snapchat story we did which is notable for the “beautiful” graphic I dropped in perfectly at the end of the clip of Leah playing guitar.  Don’t ask me exactly how I did it because I’m not quite sure…  lol.

Next we have the replays of the live Periscope / Twitter broadcasts from our day for your extended viewing.  If you haven’t downloaded Periscope yet and want to be a part of our community there you can do that at this link.  You can follow and see Periscopes on Twitter too at this link.

First we have the “bog scope”…

Next we have the scope from behind the West Bloomfield library…

Okay so let’s get to a few more photos!

This is our second location where we have Leah breaking out her guitar against the barn… love this!

Lasting Impression

Here’s one at the same spot but with a stone background….

Lasting Impression

And one more with Leah surrounded by (and adding to) the natural beauty!

Lasting Impression

And now you see why Leah left such a lasting impression indeed!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day!

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

Kylie Killed It On Her Senior Session – Not Even Kinda Kidding

Kylie killed it on her senior session.  What does that mean exactly?  It means she owned it, slayed it, rocked it, kicked major butt, looked amazing, had fun – you know, all of that stuff.  It wasn’t the first time Kylie had been in front of Ally’s camera since she used to come here to the studio for dance photos, but this was completely different.  We planned this session out with an epic sprawl of locations, technique, timing, style and general awesomeness.  Kylie’s mom Kelly joined us and we had a great time – we’ve been excited to show these!

First In The Studio…

We started out in the studio where we worked with our signature “black and blowy” setup which we love – sometimes black clothes against the black backdrop looks so cool when you know how to light it, and Kylie looks beautiful here…

Kylie Killed


Before we head out to the location photos let’s take a look at some of the behind the scenes fun from our day shall we?  First we have our 6 second looping Vine:

Next we have the replay of our live Periscope / Twitter broadcasts for a more extended view of the session!  If you haven’t downloaded the Periscope app or followed us on Twitter you can do that here and here.

First we have the studio broadcast…

And next the beach broadcast – really more of our walk to the beach – we’ll get to those photos in a sec…

Kylie Killed It…

So as you can tell the session got off to a good start in the studio and the location photos followed suit!  First we headed over to Birmingham to get a few photos in the city like this one:

Kylie Killed

Then to finish up we headed over to Dodge Park at Cass Lake to get a couple photos at the beach and with the water in the background – these are fabulous and this was Kylie’s idea!

Kylie Killed

We’ll leave you with this one with a pretty sailboat that came right into the frame – very cool!

Kylie Killed

So yeah Kylie killed it as you can see, and we are thrilled with the results!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day with her!

Mad About Marie And Her Wonderful Senior Session!

We’ve been mad about Marie for a long time now.  From the time she joined her older twin sisters on their session for a few photos a couple years ago to her spokesmodel session earlier this year and now culminating with her own senior session in Birmingham, we’ve been fans from day one!  We planned a total city photo shoot in Birmingham with her and she really nailed it – not that we were surprised.  She’s a real pro and so yeah, we’re mad about Marie!!!

Session in the City

We started at the top (of a parking structure) and worked our way down, and we had great conditions even getting a few well timed breezes before the storms came in.  We’ll start on the parking structure here:

Mad About Marie

Love the little hair lift from the breeze!

At this point we headed over to Quarton Lake because we liked the light we had and we knew a storm might roll on in…  It was a good move – this photo is perfect!

Mad About Marie

Let’s pause here for a minute for some behind the scenes action from the shoot shall we?  First we have our 6 second vine for your looping pleasure…

Next we have the replay of the live Periscope broadcast from the session.  If you haven’t downloaded Periscope yet and / or watched our channel on twitter you can do so on Periscope here or on Twitter here.

Fun right?  Okay let’s get back to a couple more photos…

Mad About Marie

At this point we headed back to downtown Birmingham to get our last set of shots – here we have a pop of color with some beautiful flowers to complement our girl…

Mad About Marie


We heard some thunder and the skies were looking ominous as we captured this last photo that we’ll leave you with.  Marie is a pro – you’d never know we were rushing to finish before the storm hit!

Mad About Marie

And there you have it!  You can see why we are mad about Marie and we hope you enjoyed the highlights from our day!

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

This Bold Business of Being Brandon Has Its Benefits!

The bold business of being Brandon ain’t so bad.  It’s actually a pretty good gig – goes to a great school and plays in the marching band there, great parents, a brother, a dog….  and he’s a good dude!  On top of all that he was totally psyched for some photography fun for his senior pictures.  He was totally prepared which is a great way to be.  He dropped off some things at the studio the day before (he has the advantage of being a West Bloomfield Laker and he lives close by) and we had a great game plan.  We started on location in Birmingham with an earlier start than originally planned based on the weather forecast since we needed to beat some rain… so we’ll start there.

Bold Business

Our first spot was on the industrial side of town – bold and edgy!  Brandon’s mom Suzanne came along too and she is a delight!  She was helpful as Brandon’s assistant too – see?  Benefits!  Hehe…

Bold Business

Good look on that kid!  Love the grungy spot.

Next we turned to a bit of a more upscale scene – love the scope of this photo – Brandon in the city!


Bold BusinessAt this point we started to feel raindrops, so our timing was perfect – just as we were wrapping up in Birmingham…  At this point it was time to head back to the studio, but before we do that let’s take a look at a little behind the scenes action from the day.  First we have our Vine for your 6 second looping pleasure:

Next we have the extended replays of the live Periscope broadcasts from the session!  You can follow our broadcasts live on Periscope at this link or on Twitter as well!  First the location broadcast:

And now back in the studio…

Being Brandon

So here are a couple of great photos from the studio – first with a casual look reppin’ the WBHS!

Bold Business

And last but not least, the formal shot… all GQ like…

Bold Business

And there you have it!  Bold business indeed being Brandon, and it ain’t so bad!  We hope you enjoyed these highlights from our day!

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!



MacKenzie Brings Mad Magnificence To Her Senior Photos!

We’ve known MacKenzie for quite a while now, and I’ve known MacKenzie’s dad for about 40 years… Crazy!  So having MacKenzie here was a little surreal and a lot awesome.  She has amazing red hair as you’ll see in a minute and she definitely brought mad magnificence to her session!  🙂

Family Affair

Now the whole family didn’t come but both parents Glenn and Jennifer did and we had a blast.  It’s rare that both parents are available to make it to the session and we had great weather as well so everything was working out in our favor – the conditions were right and MacKenzie brought the magnificence – let’s take a look starting with one in the studio from one of our new backdrops this year from Peek A Bootique:

Mad Magnificence

What a beauty!

At this point we’ll head outside for some location shots but before we do let’s take a look at some of our behind the scenes fun from the day!  First with our little 6 second Vine for your looping pleasure:

Next we have the newly-embeddable (for you tech geeks) replays of our Periscope broadcasts directly from Twitter!  If you haven’t followed us there yet you can do so either on the Periscope app at @frameablefaces where you can join in with comments in the app, or you can watch right on Twitter!  First with the broadcast from the studio:

And then the location broadcast!

Now let’s get back to the photos!  We covered a lot of ground on this day!

Mad Magnificence

First we spent some time at Heritage Park where we grabbed this photo on one of our favorite little foot bridges there:

Mad Magnificence

Love the lighting on her hair in that one…

Next we headed up to Quarton Lake in Birmingham to finish it out where we captured these two winners with our heroine…   🙂

Mad Magnificence

And this last one….

Mad Magnificence

And there you have it!  Mad magnificence from MacKenzie indeed!!!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day with her!

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

Sal Was Smashing On His Birthday! It’s How He Looked And What He Did!

Sal is a smashing young lad to be sure.  We were excited to get this call since we have photographed many members of Sal’s family before including his two older siblings, but this was our first time photographing Sal.  And….we got to do it ON his first birthday!  What an honor to be able to spend some time with someone on their very first birthday!!!  That’s about as good as it gets.  We photograph plenty of first birthday sessions but they aren’t always on the day of their birthday so this was very cool.  Oh – and yes there is a cake smash – an epic one at that which we’ll save until the end…  🙂

Sal Looked Smashing…

We started on location and Sal arrived displaying a real sense of fashion!  The kid looked fantastic!  Haha…  We went to one of our favorite spots and started on the bridge and Sal turned it on immediately!  Check him out:


How awesome is he?  And the vest rocks.

It was hot out but Sal was a champ and we got a few more photos before we headed back to the studio to cool down…  Here’s one more…


Before we head back to the studio let’s take a look at our behind the scenes action shall we?  First we have our fun 6 second vine for your looping pleasure:

Now we have our extended replays of our live Periscope broadcasts from the day on our YouTube channel which are a ton of fun – and here is where you’ll see the real smashing come into play!!!  Lol…

Sal Was Smashing…

Now it was time for the real smashing – a cake smash!!!!  But before we let Sal “take the cake” we had to get a couple of him just being his awesome self – like this one:


And now for the smash!  I think he enjoyed this….


And there you have it!  A smashing session indeed!  We hope you enjoyed these highlights of our day with Sal!

A Is For Abby And The “A” Game She Brought To Her Senior Session!

A is for awesome, astounding, admirable, amazing and it’s also for Abby and the A game she brought to her senior session which had a little of all of those aforementioned and appropriate words when describing the results.  Haha – see what I did there?  The whole relationship started off in hilarious fashion when Abby and her mom Sharon walked into the studio for the first time and busted us doing our zany “Sir Doug & Lady Ally” Periscope act and it turns out they just fit right in!  Both of them are cute funny and snarky and we had an amazing time together on Abby’s session!

Hi Abby…

So let’s say hello to our beautiful senior….  We started out in the studio and we’ll highlight one photo on the brown background:

"A" Game

“A” also stands for adorable….  🙂

Before we head out to the location photos let’s take a look at the behind the scenes action from our day as we like to do.  First we have our vine for your 6 second looping pleasure and I really love this snippet since it captures much of the story with Abby’s sweet personality!

Next we have the extended replays of the live Periscope broadcasts from our YouTube channel we did which are plenty of fun!  You can download the app and follow us on Periscope at @FrameableFaces at this link.

Abby Brings Her “A” Game!

Keep in mind that Abby is a North Farmington Raider (just like us) and we only expect greatness from Raiders so we weren’t surprised at what a pro she was…  She killed it – take a look:

"A" Game


Our conditions were perfect for this shoot – a little hot maybe but not unbearable.  And we had some nice breezes here and there out on the dock for the series that produced this winner…

"A" Game

We’ll leave you with this last one in front of the Quarton Lake waterfall in Birmingham which serves as a nice background…

"A" Game

Beautiful!!!  And there it is – Abby’s “A” game and an amazing session.  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day with her!

Ryan Leads The Way For The Guys For The Class Of 2017!

Ryan’s session is the first official senior guy session for the class of 2017 and he definitely led the way in style!  We have known Ryan for a long time but not well – one of those things where we’ve known his family and more specifically his mom Jodie going back to high school days.  We photographed him before when we did family photos for them, but this was the first time we really hung out with Ryan for an extended time and we really had a lot of fun with him!

Focused dude…

One of the things that impressed us about Ryan (and you’ll see this if you watch the Periscope replay) is when asked by a couple of viewers of our live broadcast what subject he likes the most and what he wants to study he didn’t hesitate – just matter of factly answered “Econ” and “Business”.  I didn’t really have a clue at that age, so kudos to Ryan!  As for the session, he came solo and had two different dress shirts for the formal shots to go with the casual stuff.  Totally prepared – clean cut and ready to rock (not just with the photos but the kid likes classic rock too – which instantly makes him cool).  So let’s get ready to rock here, starting with our studio photos…

We started with the formal look with the grey fabric backdrop – this is a combo we like a lot!

Ryan Leads

GQ!  What a stud.

Next we moved to a little bit more of a casual look with a sweater for this one…

Ryan Leads

Looking good with the black background!

Before we head to the location photos let’s look at the behind the scenes action shall we?  First with our fun 6 second looping Vine where Ally is having a little fun with Ryan – haha!

Even his Snapchat story was pretty epic which you can check out on Slinger at this link!

Next we have the replay of our live Periscope broadcasts from our YouTube channel for your extended viewing pleasure!  Download Periscope and follow us at @FrameableFaces and/or watch the broadcasts on Twitter!

Ryan Leads Us…To The Location!

Heritage Park is a great location for outdoor sessions and we got some great stuff with Ryan.  This was a later session where we planned to get some off camera flash going and the results are fantastic…

First we have a nice close up with the barn in the background…

Ryan Leads

And lastly an off camera flash photo…

Ryan Leads


And there you have it – Ryan leads the way for the guys and we are really off and running with this senior class!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of our time with Ryan!