Author Archives: Doug Cohen

Join Us With Jordyn For A Springtime Spokesmodel Session!

Join us with Jordyn won’t you?  This was a fun springtime spokesmodel session to be sure – we usually start with the new crew of spokesmodels in the studio because it’s winter, and don’t get me wrong we love those!  But it’s also nice once the weather starts to break to get out to some of our fave locations and shoot outside and this was our first time back to Quarton Lake in Birmingham in a while.

As for Jordyn, we are pretty darn excited to have her in the new class of 2018 spokesmodel crew.  She’s a friend of our daughter Lacey’s and Lacey has good taste.  Jordyn is great and her parents are really cool too – it’s fun when both parents are available to come on the session with us!  So let’s get to a few of the sneak peeks from our day…

We started in the studio on the black backdrop:

Springtime Spokesmodel


We also have plenty of behind the scenes fun for you as usual and here is the replay of our Facebook Live broadcast – be sure to like us on Facebook and you can tune in to future broadcasts there!

 Here is one of our well known black and blowy shots – Jordyn rocked it!

Springtime Spokesmodel

This would also be a good time to give a shout out to Jordyn Popour of Detroit Glam for the hair and makeup which she did here in the studio – remember that, because we will be collaborating with Jordyn in the future to offer her services for our senior sessions!

Springtime Spokesmodel…

At this point it was time to head out to Quarton Lake in Birmingham which is a popular spot for our seniors!

We started at the spot we call…..”the spot”!

Springtime Spokesmodel

I mean….. so great right?

Here’s some more behind the scenes this time from the Periscope broadcast.  If you want to join in the fun on Periscope you can do it by following us at @FrameableFaces here or you can also just watch from Twitter here.

And here’s a fun last photo for now – Jordyn is clearly having fun here!

Springtime SpokesmodelAnd there you have it!  We’re glad you joined us with Jordyn for a Springtime Spokesmodel session!  We are looking forward to photographing her and the rest of the class of 2018 starting next month!  We’ll leave you with the fun Snapchat story from the day! 

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

Senior Spokesmodel Session Problems For Zak? Zip, Zilch, Nada!

Zak is a cool kid and this isn’t the first time he’s been in front of Ally’s camera… not his first Frameable Faces rodeo so to speak.  You see he was here with his parents for a family session – that would be his parents who were married ONE DAY before we were!  So we have something in common with these guys and we knew Zak would be a good representative for the class of 2018 crew, so were there any problems getting some killer shots with this guy?  Zip, zilch, nada!!!

Problems For Zak?  Zip, zilch, nada!

Zak is an athlete, playing hockey at Orchard Lake St. Mary’s so we started in the studio with his cool letter sweater – there’s something classic about a letter sweater that we love to photograph for senior pictures and we’ll start with this one:



Of course we have some fun behind the scenes action from the session starting with the replay of our Periscope broadcast!  If you want to join in on the fun – especially on the Doug & Ally Morning Show T-F (& sometimes S) sometime between 8:30 – 11 AM EST along with various other photo sessions like Zak’s below you can follow us at @FrameableFaces at this link, or if you want to watch the broadcasts from Twitter you can do that too.

We also headed out to the OLSM campus for the outdoor photos and captured some great stuff… locations like this and Cranbrook for example are great for sessions IF you have permission to photograph there.  We started with a little more formal look at the grotto.


Looking great…

This next shot is a unique one for us in the tower at the top of one of the buildings!  Check it out…


Great shot of Zak there.

We also have more behind the scenes for you at that spot with the replay of the Facebook Live broadcast we did:

We have one more sneak peek photo for you with Orchard Lake as a backdrop – love this one…


So as you can see there were NO problems on this session with Zak – zip, zilch, nada!!!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights!  We’ll leave you with the Snapchat story from the day!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

Wow – Jeralyn Is ONE, And What A Year It’s Been Photographing Her!

Boy does a year go by fast…  this story is one of the more epic tales in Frameable Faces lore to be sure and we continue to tell it here.  It started with an “emergency” maternity session phone call from Nick and Jen that you can read about here.  Another photography studio’s mistake became the start of a friendship for us and some memorable moments with Jeralyn (who was once known lovingly in the Frameable Faces community as the “sharting baby” because of a hilarious little poop mishap during her newborn session that you can see and read about here)!  Now Jeralyn is ONE and she returned to the studio for an adorable photo session from which we want to share a few images with you!

Jeralyn Is ONE!

So we have some great stuff to show you here.  We love doing “baby plans” where our peeps come in for maternity, newborn, 6 month, and one year photos because we get to be a part of such a wonderful and exciting year, and then at the end we get to put together some stages – like a “watch me grow” storyboard!  Like this:

Jeralyn Is ONE

Newborn, 6 months, and one year!!!

So much fun – perfectly displayed on a wall printed to 10″ x 30″ in a frame!

As for the rest of the one year session here are some of the other highlights…

Jeralyn Is ONE

How beautiful is she?  Loving the hair…  🙂

Jeralyn also likes blocks.  Who doesn’t like blocks?

Jeralyn Is ONE

Actually props in general are fun…

Jeralyn Is ONE

We also have some fun behind the scenes (of course)…  let’s start with the replay from Facebook Live:

At this point we broke out the sari that we used for all three sessions as you saw above in the storyboard – so pretty as the backdrop for this adorable close up!

Jeralyn Is ONE

LOVE the thumb…

What’s great about our Periscope replay is often when people say you should photograph the parents being silly trying to get the kids to smile……well we got Jen at the beginning of this broadcast.  Haha!  If you want to join in the fun on Periscope download the app and follow us at @FrameableFaces here or if you just want to check it out from Twitter you can do that here.

The last thing we’ll leave you with you could say is the coup de grâce from this session…

Jeralyn Is ONE

Just all around cuteness with the one year expressions!  So yes Jeralyn is ONE and it really has been a delightful year photographing her!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights!!!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!


Loving Lauren’s Likeness In Detroit On Her Spokesmodel Session!

We are loving Lauren’s likeness in Detroit!  Actually I think we’re just loving it on our blog period – Lauren continues to prove why we are so excited about our class of 2018 spokesmodel crew!  She came highly recommended and we could tell why the moment she and her mom Gabrielle walked into the studio.  We just totally connected with them right away and that’s really how it’s been so far with this group.  We were giddy about getting her in front of Ally’s camera and this session was scheduled to take place a couple days after we discovered the Michigan Building downtown with one of our current seniors.  There was much more we wanted to explore down there as well as getting over to the Eastern Market for some murals so we had a great plan since Detroit has become more and more popular for senior sessions with the city’s much heralded comeback.

Loving Lauren’s Likeness…

As I mentioned our first stop was at the Michigan Building where we got a pretty cool angle of the amazing and decaying ceiling as a backdrop to our girl – check it out:

Loving Lauren's Likeness

So cool!

As always we have some behind the scenes fun for you to show a little bit of the session and how we captured some of these photos.  First we have the Periscope replay – if you want to join in the fun at @FrameableFaces on the app you can do that here or if you simply want to check out the broadcasts from Twitter you can do that too.

We also wanted to get over to Eastern Market and do a little mural exploring – these have also become very popular for our seniors in Detroit.  We just love being down there – Detroit is so cool…

Loving Lauren's LikenessLauren is looking great – ripped jeans are a cool look in the city too!

Let’s look at a little more behind the scenes fun, this time from Facebook Live:

Here is a look at a couple more photos…  First we’ll show one more from a mural at Eastern Market:

Loving Lauren's Likeness

And lastly here’s a closer photo with this half crop…  also a very popular shot with various walls for us:

Loving Lauren's Likeness

So yeah… we were loving Lauren’s likeness in Detroit and we hope you enjoyed the highlights!  We can’t wait to get her back into the studio for her senior portraits soon!  We’ll leave you with the fun Snapchat story from the day!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:


Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

The Frameable Faces Spring Tour 2017 Was EPIC! Here’s The Recap Of #FFSpringTour17!

We took the show on the road for the Frameable Faces Spring Tour 2017 and it was an amazing odyssey through the deep South of America!  The trip took us over 4000 miles through seven states, three Civil War Battlefields, two college football stadiums, encounters with alligators, sharks, deer, roosters, tortoises, salamanders, and various other wildlife, two photo sessions, friends, family, and a whole lot more…!

Spring Tour 2017

The Frameable Faces Spring Tour 2017!

Spring Tour 2017

Our basic route!

We Periscoped, Tweeted, Snapchatted, and photographed our way around this amazing country and we loved it.  So let’s recap in order – hope you enjoy reliving the tour with us!

Here’s where it all starts – we were so excited….  hehe.

A rocky start…

Day 1 was brutal.  We wanted to leave at 3 and didn’t get on the road until 4:30.  Okay fine – that’s not unusual, but it took us TWO hours to get to the Ohio border which should only take an hour.  There was awful traffic and the weather was horrible, in fact it poured sheets of rain almost the whole way to Chattanooga with major thunderstorms.  So I white knuckled it with my eyes burning doing about 50 MPH most of the way and we didn’t get in until 3:30AM.  Ugh.  But even though Ally, Lacey and I (not Tony) have switched to a plant-based diet we suspended that for our traditional first meal at Skyline Chili along the way…

Spring Tour 2017

5-Way Chili!!!

We got a slow start the next day obviously, and we made it down to Gainesville, FL the second night to stay with our friend Cathy Hackl and her family – we’ve known Cathy almost 2 years now from Periscope and we’ve hung out together in Northern Michigan, California and Florida – we did family portraits for her before and those highlights are here on the blog.

Here’s the first Periscope broadcast of the trip just checking in with our peeps from the road in Georgia on the way to Gainesville – Ally handled the broadcast while I kept focused on the road…  If you don’t have Periscope yet you can download it and follow us at @frameablefaces at this link.

We had a nice visit and Cathy took us over to the University of Florida campus the next morning to check out the campus and “The Swamp” – their football stadium which was pretty cool.  We Periscoped from the stadium as well!

From there we headed down to Delray Beach on Saturday where my parents stay for the winter and we had a couple of great days down there with them, but not before a quick stop in Kissimmee to see Scott and Kristi – aka @FloridaPlunge on Periscope.  Check out their website

Spring Tour 2017

Scott & Kristi – @FloridaPlunge!

In Delray Beach we visited with cousins and friends, got a little sunburned on the beach (ouch) and took a little drive over to Alligator Alley on I-75 to look for gators which we did the last time we were down there too…  This time we only saw a few in the first few minutes of the Periscope we did…

Spring Tour 2017

With my parents and cousin Joel

We also took a little time out to do a scope from the beach under a cabana which we needed to shield us from the sun after getting fried…

To The Keys…

Wednesday Morning we woke up and got on the road down to see my old college teammate Steve and his wife Amy, their daughter Jamie, and their various pets….  The drive alone down to the Keys is spectacular and we Periscoped part of it once again with Ally manning the iPhone and me doing the driving!

We stopped along the way in Tavernier to grab a key lime pie at the Blonde Giraffe – best key lime pie in the Keys!  We snapchatted the pie (which as a side note you can see at the end of this post).

Once we arrived at Steve’s house we settled in for a couple days of eating stone crab claws, lobster, cobia, and barrel fish – so delicious….  We were also happy to see Peanut – Steve’s pet tortoise….  He was tiny last time we saw him – maybe the size of a basketball.  He’s grown quite a bit…

Steve helping Tony feed peanut in 2005

Here’s a short clip of when Peanut walked over to say hello (he actually scared the crap out of me a few minutes before this)…

Here’s an extended Periscope replay of Peanut chowing down on some salad.

We also spent some time down on Key West where we caught a sunset at Mallory Square

Spring Tour 2017

Mallory Square Sunset

We went back down to Key West on Friday morning for a snorkel adventure where we saw a 5 foot nurse shark!!!  I bought a waterproof case for my iPhone but found it way too difficult to manage especially with an iPhone 7 because of the “taptic engine” button that wouldn’t work through the plastic… so I have no photos underwater.  But that’s okay – it was amazing.  We saw plenty of ocean life including a huge grouper, colorful coral and plenty of other fish at the reef in addition to the shark.

Spring Tour 2017

Spring Tour 2017

After more key lime pie (on a stick) at Kermit’s we headed back to Steve’s for a brief hangout and group shot before we said goodbye…

Spring Tour 2017

To Pensacola…

The drive up to Pensacola from Delray Beach is a haul… but we got up early and arrived in the late afternoon for a photo session with our friend Nelma, her husband Alfie and their sweet little one Lydia!  We’ll save that Periscope for the separate blog post of her sneak peeks but in the meantime here’s a couple tidbits – a panorama I grabbed with my iPhone of Ally photographing them in Plaza Ferdinand VII (more on that below in the snap story)….

Spring Tour 2017

….and here is a little behind the scenes collage we posted on Instagram.

Spring Tour 2017

We stayed with our cousins Daria and David in Pensacola and the following morning (Sunday) we drove first to Mobile to visit a certain Sock friend of ours….

Definitely one of the most fun Periscopes we’ve ever done!  We had a great visit with Jason and Amanda (Sock Cop hangs out with them from time to time… lol)!

Spring Tour 2017

On to Biloxi…

From there we drove to Biloxi, MS to do a photo session with another friend we met through Periscope – Lana and her (now) hubby Chase!  You can see the sneak peeks and read all about that at this link, and in the meantime here is the behind the scenes collage we posted from that session on Instagram…

Spring Tour 2017

We stuck around for an extra day in Pensacola and celebrated Passover with our cousins so with the extra time we went over to the Gulf Islands National Seashore where the beaches are gorgeous and where you can take a walk through Fort Pickens which the Union controlled throughout the Civil War.

Spring Tour 2017

White sands….

Spring Tour 2017

Spring Tour 2017

I think this panorama that I took of Fort Pickens is pretty cool….

Spring Tour 2017

Starting the long trek home…

We headed out on Tuesday morning towards Mississippi bound for Hattiesburg and Vicksburg.  We made a stop at Southern Miss University to visit our friends the Hopsons – Jay is the head coach for the Golden Eagles and we hadn’t seen them since his 2 years coaching the linebackers at Michigan.  We had been through Hattiesburg once before on a road trip, the campus is really nice and their stadium “The Rock” is very cool.

From there we raced to Vicksburg National Military Park to check out the battlefield before it got too late…..and it was kinda too late – to drive the park anyway.  But we were able to walk a few miles of it and it is really impressive.

Spring Tour 2017

Vicksburg Great Redoubt

Spring Tour 2017

Michigan Monument at Vicksburg

Spring Tour 2017

From there we drove all the way up the Mississippi Delta on Highway 61 to Memphis where we spent the night.  If you ever make that drive from Vicksburg MAKE SURE you have gas….  there are zero gas stations for about an hour.  Heck there’s almost zero civilization for about an hour…

After a yummy breakfast at Staks Pancake Kitchen with one of Lacey’s friends in Memphis the next morning we made the final leg of the drive back to home sweet home but not without a stop first at Parker’s Crossroads Battlefield in Tennessee….

Spring Tour 2017

Spring Tour 2017

Spring Tour 2017

Hallowed Ground of the Parkers Crossroads Battlefield

….and a stop to visit with one of our favorite seniors of all time Kim (who was also an intern for us) in Nashville where she has been working since finishing her undergraduate studies at Vanderbilt!

Spring Tour 2017

And with one more stop to visit another one of Lacey’s friends in Louisville, we headed all the way back home.  Home sweet home, in our own beds, exhausted and fulfilled by our Spring Tour 2017 – an incredible odyssey through a large swath of the USA that we’ll never forget!!!  We hoped you enjoyed the recap and we’ll leave you with the entire snap story from the trip – additional photos and fun with all the geofilters intact!


Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

Photographs Of A Biloxi Bride And Her Beau With A Baby On The Way!

Biloxi Bride has a nice ring to it and we love Lana – we have for a while even before we met her in person!  We met Lana through Periscope, a live streaming app owned by Twitter that we’ve been broadcasting on since 2015.  To say that this app changed our lives would be an understatement and these photos are further proof – heck we’ve blogged about it enough that if you’ve been following us at all over the last couple years you know this already…

Meanwhile when we first saw the handle of @thelittlemilfmaid pop up on the app we had to chuckle a little.  And it turned out to be Lana – a gorgeous little fireball with a cute little boy and a fascinating life as a dancer in New Orleans with plenty of tales of her own on the app.  We connected with her and became fast friends, and she even shipped us some delicious chicory coffee from NOLA – YUM!  She had been saying for a while that she wanted to have us take pictures of her someday and we thought that would be so much fun to do!  Well the opportunity finally presented itself…

Here’s one to start with of the happy couple!

Biloxi Bride

Awwww so sweet!

The Frameable Faces Spring Tour 2017!

We had been talking about taking a road trip during spring break to see family and friends, and we knew that not only did we have some friends we met through Periscope along the way, but that some of them had been saying for some time that they would love to do a photo session with us if only we were closer!  We put the word out that we were coming South and Lana along with our friend Nelma in Pensacola (blog post coming soon) both said “we’re in” for photos!  The Frameable Faces Spring Tour 2017 started to take shape (blog post coming on that too).  We had it all planned out to do an afternoon session in Biloxi with Lana and her fiancé Chase who are also expecting!  Lana was around 6 months pregnant for this shoot and you would barely know it.  They are going to be a perfect blended fam – Chase has kids of his own, and Lana’s little guy Channing and her mom Angela (both of whom we also know from Periscope) actually came by to hang out on the session and we had so much fun.  What’s cool about Periscope is 9 times out of 10 when someone is broadcasting live you get to see who they really are – it’s not usually super rehearsed and Lana is no exception – she’s cray cray in the very best way way – a true delight!

Meanwhile here is the behind the scenes broadcast we did live on – you guessed it – Periscope.  You can download the app and join in the fun on our future broadcasts at @FrameableFaces here or you can also check them out from twitter here.

As you can see in the broadcast we did some photographing at the Hurricane Katrina Memorial – a sobering spot marked by a beautiful mural.  Biloxi was hit extremely hard by the hurricane and the resiliency of the community was on display everywhere you looked – we were impressed with the cool little coastal city.  Here’s one of our resulting photos at that spot:

Biloxi Bride

Love that pose!

Chase meanwhile is a bit of a jack of all trades – he repairs iPhones and is an MMA fighter, so don’t mess with him.  Hehe…

We moved around town for a few shots and finished at a park close to the Biloxi lighthouse for these last two:

Biloxi Bride

Biloxi Bride

We should also mention a fun little footnote….  these were originally planned as engagement photos, but these two decided to change gears and get married less than a week after our session!  So they’re already married!!!  Lana has already been a Biloxi Bride and the next photo is a perfect happily ever after to finish on!

Biloxi Bride

So there you have it – a Biloxi Bride and her beau with a baby on the way!  We hope you enjoyed our first ever photo session in Mississippi with this wonderful couple!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:


Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

We Nominate Nick To Be Next In Our Class of 2018 Spokesmodel Crew!

We nominate Nick to be next!  We knew we were going to nominate him for a while since his sister Emma was a spokesmodel for us and we love these guys!  Emma even came along with their mom Teresa for the session and it was just like old times!

Meanwhile Nick is a bad dude – he’s a nice guy, smart, a heck of an athlete and just really an all around winner.  He’s been a delight to have around already and a great representative of our studio!  He is a football and baseball player and has plans to compete at the next level, so we had plans to incorporate the sports into the session because we love to show off the fun approach we often take with our student athletes for senior sessions!

We Nominate Nick…

We started out on location on a mid-March day that saw Metro Detroit get a nice snow dump which actually made for a nice opportunity for winter shots since it wasn’t really that cold.  Here’s a full length shot…

Nominate Nick

Pretty cool huh?

Here’s another one a little bit closer up with a half crop of our guy:

Nominate Nick

What a stud.

Of course we also have plenty of behind the scenes starting with the replay of our Periscope broadcast where Nick got some snow dropped on his head and took some good natured ribbing from the audience!  Haha…  You can follow us and join in the fun on Periscope at this link or tune in on Twitter at this link.

At this point it was time to get back indoors for the studio shots…

As you know we like to play with fire here….

Nominate Nick

We also have a replay from the behind the scenes broadcast on Facebook Live in the studio for you…

We have one more from the studio for you for now… not to be outdone by our other senior spokesmodel football player Olivia, here’s a fierce one to end on!

Nominate Nick

We will leave you with the Snapchat story which is always fun – you should follow us there too and snap us back from time to time at this link

And there you have it!  You can see why we nominate Nick and we hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day!  Hopefully this gives you yet another taste of what options we have for senior pictures for guys!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:


Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

Cami Was CAMI-RA Ready In An Epic Senior Session in Detroit!

Cami was certainly “CAMI-RA ready” for her senior session takeover of Detroit!  We’re very punny here at Frameable Faces.  This was an epic session not like any before it and you’ll see why in a bit.  Meanwhile let’s talk about Cami.  We’ve known this girl for a long time and we actually photographed her brother Kyle for his senior pictures, but our relationship with Cami goes way back before that when a party favor from a Cami birthday party in the form of a music CD mix became the standard in the Cohen mini van for a good chunk of our kids childhoods!  The “Cami Disc” was awesome!  We still talk about it from over a decade ago…  We’ve known Cami since she was 3 and she and our Lacey were in dance class together at Studio A the year it opened, so this girl has always had a special place in our hearts.  She’s got it together too – she plans to be a nurse!  We really had an amazing day with her and her mom Bonnie!  

Cami was CAMI-RA Ready…

We started in the studio for a couple of quick photos with the plan to spend the majority of our time downtown.  Here’s one on the black background before we head out on location…


Definitely Cami-Ra ready!  She looks fantastic!  

Of course we have plenty of behind the scenes fun and here is the replay of the first Facebook Live broadcast from the studio!

Heading to Detroit!

At this point we packed up and headed downtown for what was supposed to be a trip to Belle Isle and then maybe Eastern Market for some murals and whatever else we might find… well that didn’t happen.  Okay well Belle Isle happened – and we love this red bridge there!


Beautiful!  The lighting was great even if it was a little chilly…

Meanwhile there would be no Eastern Market for us on this day…  Instead Ally had seen one of our clients post a few pics of an old theater downtown that is now a parking garage – the Michigan Building.  It’s like a post-apocalyptic scene in there and Ally thought this would be a cool spot – Cami was sold immediately so we went down there, and WOW.  Ally’s jaw hit the floor when we walked in – so cool!

Here’s the behind the scenes broadcast from Periscope.  You can follow us there at @FrameableFaces at this link or see our broadcasts on Twitter here

Here’s one of our results from the theater…


The first shot of its kind for us but certainly not the last…  

We were enamored enough with the place that we broadcasted once more on Facebook Live where you’ll see how we improvised with our minivan headlights (shout out to Bonnie for working the lighting from the cockpit lol) as we started to lose some light and the last shot we’ll leave you with came out really cool…

And here is one of the photos from that setup:


Love it!!!  Yes Cami was Cami-ra ready and we were ready to make some magic which we did on her pioneering session!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day, and we’ll leave you with the Snapchat story from the day complete with the squad selfie at the end!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:


Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

All In With Alena As She Represents Our Studio For The Class of 2018!

Yes we are all in with the idea of Alena representing our studio as a spokesmodel for the high school class of 2018!  She’s another North Farmington Raider and her mom Mindy was a Raider too just like us!  Her dad Loren is a Buckeye but it’s okay….. we still like him (haha).  Mindy and I go way back having grown up in the same neighborhood and I’ve always been a fan of hers so it’s really great to have this family in the fold!  Good people!

Alena and our Lacey are friends as well and when we met for Alena’s consultation we knew right away that this was going to be fun and we were right.  This session was fantastic – it was all in the studio and we played around with multiple backgrounds and colors.  Red hair is always fun to put on different backdrops and I swear we have had well above the 1-2% of the population average of redheads here at the studio!  Needless to say Alena upheld the tradition in fine style, and with that said let’s get to the photos!

All In With Alena

We started on the blue/grey backdrop to kick it off…


Wow!  Yeah Alena looks great and this session rocked…

We also have plenty of behind the scenes fun as always starting with the replay of our live Periscope broadcast – you can follow us on the app and join in the fun at @FrameableFaces at this link or you can just check the channel out on twitter here.

The next backdrop / wardrobe change we have to share is Alena in all black against the rich purple paper backdrop with the dark wood floor – it’s a winner with this playful pose!


Here is the Facebook Live replay where we were shooting on the purple – how fun is this girl by the way?  You’ll see in the broadcast!

This next shot is amazing – this patterned backdrop is just perfect with Alena’s hair – we love this…


And let’s leave you with one more black and white full length stunner on the white backdrop…


And there you have it – you can see why we’re all in with Alena – we are thrilled to have her represent our studio at North Farmington for our amazing class of 2018 spokesmodel crew!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights and we’ll leave you with our snap story from the day from our YouTube channel… 

Sign up for our weekly email newsletter HERE!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:


Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!