Author Archives: Doug Cohen

A Perfect Day In Detroit Photographing Jordyn Is Our Jam!

We’ve had a ball photographing Jordyn while she’s been representing our studio as a spokesmodel for the class of 2018, and a perfect day in Detroit photographing Jordyn is definitely our jam.  As was the case with Jordyn’s spokesmodel session this was a family affair with mom Stacy, dad Eric, and even older sister Sydney met up with us for part of the day!  The game plan here other than the yearbook headshot at the studio was to explore Detroit and explore Detroit we did!

In Detroit Photographing Jordyn…

We started out at Belle Isle which is where we spent a good deal of time.  The more we shoot there the more great spots we find.  The first photo we’ll highlight is of Jordyn at the James Scott Memorial Fountain:

Detroit Photographing Jordyn

Great spot, great backlight, great senior!  As I said we roamed around the island and even stopped at the beach for a few yoga poses as you’ll see in this fun behind the scenes replay of our Facebook Live video we did!

Here’s another photo with the unique aesthetic of looking through a natural window at our girl…

Detroit Photographing Jordyn

So cool and Jordyn looks amazing!

To Eastern Market…

At this point we headed over to the Eastern Market area for some murals to play with and some grit and we found plenty of both!  First the mural:

Detroit Photographing Jordyn

Knowing where your light is and how to use it is key…. love the backlight on Jordyn’s hair once again!

We also have some more fun behind the scenes here as we headed into one of our fave empty buildings – this time from the replay of our YouTube Live video:

And the result with the grit:  

Detroit Photographing JordynAwesome shot to finish with!  Yes being in Detroit photographing Jordyn is definitely our jam and you can see why!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day with her!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

We Are Love Love Loving Lilly’s Senior Session – It’s, Well…Lovely!

We are love love loving Lilly’s senior session and you’ll see why in a sec – it’s fabulous!  But aside from the photographic results we like Lilly and she’s a North Farmington Raider – you know how we feel about our North Farmington Raiders!  Remember we’re Raiders….  Anyhow we ordered perfect conditions for Lilly’s day and we got them, and with Lilly’s mom Sue along for the fun we had quite a perfect session we must say!

Love Love Loving Lilly!

We started out in the studio and first we’ll share this shot of Lilly on the white background in this fashionable black feather shirt!

Love Love Loving


We have some fun behind the scenes for you as well – first in the studio from the replay of our Facebook Live broadcast:

Much fun!

We spent most of our time together on location in Birmingham and we’ll focus there for the rest of these.  Let’s start with this beautiful photo at Quarton Lake on the dock!

Love Love Loving

Love love loving it!!!

Let’s take a look at the replay of our YouTube Live broadcast from the day as well as we move into downtown to get some city shots!

And a couple of spectacular results:

Love Love Loving

Love that…  and one more!

Love Love Loving

That backlight though!!!!  Awesome.

And there you have it!  You can see why we’re love love loving Lilly’s session!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day with her!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

Twin Seniors Part 2! This Time It’s Shoshie Fo Sho!

As promised we present Part 2 of yesterday’s Twin Senior highlights!!!  Yesterday the focus was on Hallie, and today it’s Shoshie FO SHO!!!  Haha!  Loving the results from the day we spent with these two and their mom Caryn – we laughed a lot that day and the girls were rock stars!

Shoshie Fo Sho!

The focus for both girls was the summer style portraits on location in a natural setting so today will be more of the same awesomeness, and we’ll start with this one on the edge of the Quarton Lake dock in Birmingham:

Shoshie Fo Sho

She looks great!  A little backlight and great conditions that day too!

The next pose shows a playful side of Shoshie – much fun!

Shoshie Fo Sho

Love it!

We also have the behind the scenes live stream from Facebook for you – the YouTube Live broadcast is in Hallie’s post.

With twins we have plenty of time to roam around and hit different spots and here’s one of Shoshie in the stream…Shoshie Fo Sho

Love her reflection in the water too!

One more of Shoshie close up….

Shoshie Fo Sho

So pretty – and one of the girls together in the water….!

Shoshie Fo Sho

So adorable!!!

So there you have it!  Twin seniors, twin blog posts, twin highlights – double the fun, and we hoped you enjoyed the photos!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

Twin Seniors! First Up Let’s Say Hello To Hallie, Shall We?

Twin seniors are a delight to photograph for lots of reasons.  One example off the top is for starters there is usually no problem with getting comfortable being in front of the camera because they have each other to laugh with and take the edge off.  Now to be clear it’s not that there’s usually a problem with that – we have a consultation ahead of time to meet our seniors, get to know them, and design the session around them and their style, but with twins there’s that added connection between them which usually makes for much fun.  Now, throw in the fact that we already know Hallie and Shoshie (they are friends of our Lacey) and that they’re smart, hilarious and adorable and we’ve got a winner of a day!  We’ll call this part 1 and focus on Hallie first, and then we’ll give Shoshie her own blog post – in alphabetical order (plus Hallie is older) – ha!  But we’ll be sure to sneak in a twin shot too…

Hello To Hallie

We focused exclusively on location for the girls in Birmingham, and their mom Caryn came along.  We had lots of laughs, good conditions outside and the girls did a fine job!  Let’s take a look at Hallie who was game to jump right in if you see what I mean…  lol! Hallie

Love the in-the-water shot!

Next we have this fantastic close up:


One nice aspect of summer sessions at Quarton Lake is that there’s plenty of wild flowers to be found and they make for a gorgeous shot like this one of Hallie:



We also have some fun behind the scenes from our live broadcasts – we’ll show one of those here from YouTube Live and you’ll just have to check back for Shoshie’s highlights to see the video from Facebook Live (although it’s not hard to scroll and find on our page).

And we’ll leave you with one more of Hallie…..


….and one of the twins together!


So there you have it!  An awesome day with these girls and Hallie rocked her photos!  So did Shoshie – stay tuned…..!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!


Who Had A Senior Session Ablaze With Awesomeness? Absolutely Abby!

If you ask us to name a fun, smart, adorable senior whose session was ablaze with awesomeness we would surely say it’s Absolutely Abby!  Love this girl.  We’ve also known her dad going back to high school and beyond and she’s a friend of our Lacey so this was another session with many elements lined up to make it a success.  Abby’s mom Dana joined us as well and we decided that we kinda like her too like a lot.  So let’s get to it…

Absolutely Abby

We started off in the studio first on the clean and contemporary white background for this sweet close up of our girl:

Absolutely Abby

Love it!

We also have some fun behind the scenes action for you as we usually do – first with the replay of our YouTube Live broadcast with the “black and blowy” set up:

How fun is she?

And the result….

Absolutely Abby

So glam!

Ablaze With Awesomeness

At this point we headed out on location on a perfect summer afternoon where our lighting and our conditions overall were just perfect!  Here are a couple from the nature preserve in West Bloomfield…

Absolutely Abby

Love that shot…  and actually we have a little more behind the scenes fun this time from our Facebook Live replay:

Love Abby at the end of both of those!  LOL!

And we’ll leave you with one more from the location:

Absolutely Abby

Ablaze with awesomeness – absolutely Abby!!!!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day with her!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!



Crazy Stuff Happened In The NICK Of Time On NICK’s Senior Session!

Crazy stuff happened indeed on Nick’s senior session!  It’s not often that a sheriff hauls away your senior at the end of his session…. but in this case the sheriff definitely showed up in the NICK of time!  See what I did there…?  Haha!  Meanwhile this session was a family affair with both of Nick’s siblings and his mom Paola joining us!  Nick is a lucky guy – he has amazing and supportive siblings and they helped out a lot.  What a special day and Nick totally rocked his session!  Paola was a little stressed about getting the best shots but I think Ally and Nick connected and, well – you’ll see the results… 

Nick’s Senior Session

We started out in the studio where we used the silver metal and black backgrounds.  Let’s start with the silver first:

Nick's Senior Session

That looks like a guy who is having fun!

We also have some fun behind the scenes action for you starting with the Facebook Live broadcast replay:

So fun!  And here’s the shot on the black with the black leather – very cool:

Nick's Senior Session

Big smiles.

At this point it was time to head to Pontiac to get some urban shots and that’s where the crazy stuff happened!  We’ll get to that…

First let’s take a look at a couple of great shots of our guy:

Nick's Senior Session

Steps…..and stairs….

Nick's Senior Session

Now here is where the crazy stuff happens!  Here’s the YouTube Live Replay where we ran into Officer Piotrowski from the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department, and lo and behold he gave us a police escort for our session and helped with location scouting and everything!  Just in the NICK of time!!!!



Nick still ended up in the police car.

NICK's Senior Session

Hahaha….  and here is the Snapchat story which we had to include here because it’s just too good.

So there you have it!!!  Nick’s senior session was one we will never forget that’s for sure, and we hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

We Wouldn’t Jest – Jake Jammed On His Senior Session!

No – we’re not here to jest.  We are totally serious.  Jake JAMMED on his senior session and that’s the truth!  This session was fantastic and we’re excited to show you the results!  We’ve known Jake and his family for years going back to little league baseball days when I coached our son Tony and Jake’s younger brother with Jake’s dad, and Jake’s mom Nancy joined us on the session – much fun!

Jake Jammed

We started off in the studio which we always do for afternoon sessions and we got off to a great start:

Jake Jammed

Great shot right?

We also have some behind the scenes fun here from the replays of our live broadcasts – first with Facebook Live:

And here is one more photo from the studio made during the video above:

Jake Jammed

Looking great!

At this point we headed out to Heritage Park – which as we have since found out is now restricting access for photographers… but that’s another story.  In the meantime we still love the place and you should visit there – it makes for great photos!

Jake Jammed

Let’s also take a look at our other video replay this time from YouTube Live.  You can also subscribe to our channel for plenty more videos where this came from!

We’ll leave you with one more photo from this killer session with Jake!

Jake Jammed

Awesome!  Jake jammed on his session for sure and we hope you enjoyed the highlights of our time with him!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!


Seth Showed All Sides (and there are many) On His Senior Session!

Seth showed all of his sides in this session and yes there are many!  He’s a genuinely nice kid and he’s talented as can be!  Guitar, tennis, golf – we actually couldn’t fit all of his interests and activities into this blog post – lol!  But we got a few of them and we think you’ll agree that they made for some pretty awesome images.

Seth Showed All Sides

We started on location at Seth’s house where we had close access to a golf course as well as his car which made an appearance as well!  Seth’s mom Tammy joined us and we had plenty of fun.  We started out on the golf course for this photo bright and early!

Seth Shows

…and while we were there we got this shot of Seth with his sweet Dodge Challenger – plenty of muscle!

Seth Showed

At this point we headed over to Birmingham and we started some behind the scenes live video which we have the replays of for you here!  First with YouTube Live – be sure to subscribe to our channel too!

Here is a shot with another side – Seth the musician!

Seth Showed

We also have more behind the scenes – this time from the Facebook Live broadcast…

  And one more photo – just the cool side!

Seth Showed

We hope you enjoyed the many sides of Seth as much as we enjoyed capturing them!!!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

A Few Highlights From Evrett’s Awesome Celebration!

There’s nothing like one of those special and memorable family events – milestones by which we mark the stages of our lives and celebrate together like a Bar Mitzvah!  We have been honored to be a part of many of these since we brought our event photographer Angela on board, and Evrett’s Bar Mitzvah is no exception!  We have some highlights to share from this awesome celebration!

Evrett’s Awesome Celebration

Let’s start with the man of the hour:

Awesome Celebration

A fine looking young man!

Now how about a nice family photo:

Awesome Celebration

Always a great occasion to get some great family portraits with everyone happy and looking so nice!


Awesome Celebration

Here we have a couple photos representing some of the Jewish traditions that go along with a Bar Mitzvah…

Awesome Celebration

…and the party!!!

Awesome CelebrationThink he was having fun?  This is always a fun shot of the Bar Mitzvah boy up in the air, on top of the world during the traditional Hora dance!

And there you have it!  We hope you enjoyed a few of the highlights of Evrett’s big day and the family’s awesome celebration!

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

Mitchell Is The Man and His Senior Session Is Killer!

Mitchell is the man – we know he’s a great dude because he’s a year between our two kids and they both like him!  Hehe…  He’s also a North Farmington Raider like us and his dad so he’s got that going for him.  Besides he’s been to our studio before with the whole fam and his parents Joy and Jeff came along on the session which we knew would be a good time.  I’ve been saying this all summer and I’m always nervous that I’m going to jinx it, but with very few exceptions the conditions have been great for shooting outdoors – not too much rain and not too much heat, and Mitchell’s morning was perfect.

Mitchell Is The Man

We started on location as we always do for morning sessions and we headed just around the corner from the studio behind the Library and City Hall in West Bloomfield to get some nice natural settings.  Here’s a full length on a foot bridge of our guy to start:


Looking good!  Of course we have some fun behind the scenes action here with the replay of our YouTube Live broadcast – be sure to subscribe to our channel too!

Let’s take a look at one more closer up outdoors before we head back to the studio…



At this point we headed back to the studio to get a few indoors, and when Mitchell posed for his yearbook shot Joy got a little choked up – we only made fun of her a little – haha!  We see this all the time and as parents ourselves we get it believe me.  Here’s a cool full length black and white pic:

MitchellLove that shot – it really came out great!

We also have some more behind the scenes – this time in the studio from the Facebook Live replay!


And one more shot from the studio on the white backdrop…

MitchellAnd there you have it!  Mitchell is the man and we hope you enjoyed the highlights from our morning with him!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!