Photographing Zane (and Reign) Was Definitely Our Gain!

Zane is a total character.  He has so much to say and he’s right at that 2 year old stage where you don’t totally understand ALL of it and yet you do at the same time and he’s about as cute of a little guy as you’ll see.  He and his mom Angel and his pup Reign were here for his pictures since he just turned 2 and there were plenty of laughs!
Parents will usually say “my two year old won’t sit and pose for two hours” and we always reply “we know, which is why we need two hours!”  Haha – and the not sitting and posing parts are often some of the parts we remember the most.  And yet the results of the session are what last – and these will certainly last…  Zane is a star!  And in all seriousness he did a really great job.  He was a joy to have here and Reign the Bernese Mountain Dog was so much fun to have here too.  Let’s get to the highlights!

Photographing Zane!

Love the bandana!  What a little stud!
Now remember the not sitting and posing part?  Who needs sitting and posing???  How great is this pic?
Okay let’s get Reign into the act…
This has to be one of our favorites of all time.  Remember we LOVE Bernese Mountain Dogs and have a canvas of one on the wall of our studio that we photographed years ago.  Reign was such a sweet pup, and we love Reign and Zane smiling together for this one!
Okay now for a sweet ending… another one that reminds us of a classic canvas that has been in our studio since right when we opened, and Zane updated it with the big lollipop like a pro!
As I said,  Zane and Reign here was our gain!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of our time with them!

Frameable Faces Photography

Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
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