College grad sessions come in three “flavors” you might say. Sometimes it’s just the individual college grad, sometimes it’s a crew of college grad friends, and sometimes it’s one grad with their family. We have to say each approach has their own merits and they are all a lot of fun for us. These highlights are of the grad-with-family variety and what a great family! The Sideratos family is a delight. Maria and Nick, with daughters Melina and Katie, and the man of the hour and a future veterinarian – Costa!
Costa Coasts Onward
Now “Costa coasts” isn’t meant to say he didn’t work hard, but we thought it had a fun ring to it for a young man who knows his calling and as animal lovers we love that he’s going to be a vet!
This family knows the score – Go Blue!
Going out with your school winning three straight conference championships and a national title is a pretty good way to go out…
From Michigan Stadium it was time to head to a couple other spots on campus…
This crew was having fun!
And one more close up of our guy:
That’s a confident and proud Wolverine!
And there you have it! Costa and his family are awesome and we’re honored to have them on our blog. We hope you enjoyed the highlights!