There’s nothing like one of those special and memorable family events – milestones by which we mark the stages of our lives and celebrate together like a Bar Mitzvah! We have been honored to be a part of many of these since we brought our event photographer Angela on board, and Evrett’s Bar Mitzvah is no exception! We have some highlights to share from this awesome celebration!
Evrett’s Awesome Celebration
Let’s start with the man of the hour:
A fine looking young man!
Now how about a nice family photo:
Always a great occasion to get some great family portraits with everyone happy and looking so nice!
Here we have a couple photos representing some of the Jewish traditions that go along with a Bar Mitzvah…
…and the party!!!
Think he was having fun? This is always a fun shot of the Bar Mitzvah boy up in the air, on top of the world during the traditional Hora dance!
And there you have it! We hope you enjoyed a few of the highlights of Evrett’s big day and the family’s awesome celebration!