Ask and ye shall receive!

I’ve gotten a ton of requests to post more from Princess M’s session on Monday. I just finished editing her session and there are a bunch of really great ones. I’m only going to post a few more here on the blog…the rest are on my Frameable Faces facebook group page. Go check it out!

M wasn’t very smiley during her session since she was super tired from all of her modeling. She’s a very beautiful baby and again, I had a great time working with her, her great mommy and her super sweet grandma!

I’m off to finish editing “I’s” first birthday session and I’ll post more from his later on.

Thanks for checking in!

Until next time,

Just one from this afternoons session…

Today I got to work with a friend of mine that I’ve known since I was about 11 years old. She’s in town with her new baby from Texas for our 20 year high school reunion. Yesterday, I got to meet Miss “M” for the first time and I was awed at how pretty she was and how much of a blessing this little sweetheart is.

I shouldn’t be surprised at little M’s beauty – I thought her mommy was the prettiest girl in school (and I’m not just saying that!!!). Her mom is as pretty on the inside as she is on the outside and little Miss is going to be just the same way.

M came in today with her grandma, too. It’s always so much fun to be around grandma E! Such a blast…the three of us were cracking up for almost the entire session!

When I finish editing the rest of M’s images, I’ll post back. It’s almost midnight and I’m totally capitalizing on the fact the my own kids are away at camp, so I’m still working! But enough is enough for one night, so I’ll leave you with this one image. I happen to think it’s studio worthy. M is smiling her big bright smile…that in and of itself should make it great. But if you look closely, you’ll notice what I initially thought was her Mommy’s earring. It’s not!!! I love when these precious little moments get caught!

Until next time,